Error volmgr

After Defraggler boot time defrag (2.00.230 - 64), in Event Viewer got:


Event id: 46

Source: volmgr

Crash dump initialization failed!


My System:


Hard Disks: 2 (C,D)

Pagefile: System managed

Write Debugging information: Small Memory Dump


I get this after running a full defrag then rebooting.

This error will show every reboot unless I: Right click my computer > properties > advanced system settings > Advanced tab > Startup and recovery settings > and check Write event to system log.

That fixes the error until I run a defrag and reboot again, Then "Write event to system log" becomes unchecked.

Previously I changed Volume Shadow Copy service to automatically start. That fixed it until the latest version of Defraggler 2.08.373


Win7 Professional x86 (32bit)

Today's announcement includes

Added Volume Shadow Service (VSS) compatible mode.

Perhaps you need to alter this new mode of use.

I completely missed that when I read the change log.

Thanks! That seems to have fixed the error :D

Volmgr Error Happens after selecting Boot Time Defrag then rebooting.

When "Run Once" or "Run Every Time" is clicked it unchecks "Write event to system log" in "my computer >properties > advanced system settings > Advanced tab > Start up and recovery settings"


Leaving "Run Every Time" option in defraggler checked doesn't seem to uncheck "Write event to system log", Just happens when you initially click a option from Boot Time Defrag

If I go into Start up and Recovery settings and check the Write Event box before rebooting the volmgr doesn't appear.

Also, changes the "Write debugging information", xdump to (none) ...

Can anyone explain the details to us, why it is necessary to change these options in the "Startup and Recovery" before execute "Boot time defrag"?

Also, changes the "Write debugging information", xdump to (none) ...

Can anyone explain the details to us, why it is necessary to change these options in the "Startup and Recovery" before execute "Boot time defrag"?

It's not really necessary, unless you're getting the Volmgr Error in the Event log.

In Defraggler Version 2.09.391 Selecting a boot time defrag option still unchecks Write Event to the System Log & Changes the Write Debugging info to None. If anyone gets a Volmgr Error check to see if these settings are changed: System Properties > Advanced Tab> Starup & Recovery.

The default settings under System Failure should be:


Only having this issue in Windows 7 Professional 32bit

In Windows xp Pro 32bit they change when selecting a boot defrag option but reset to defaults after a reboot.

I'm starting to think maybe it's a Win7 issue and not a defraggler issue as WinXP resets them to defaults :unsure: