Error Message HELP!

My first CCleaner v2.0 scan was interrupted by the following error message:

You must close Firefox/Mozilla to allow the Internet Cache to be cleaned. Otherwise, this process will be skipped.

Before starting the scan, I'd been instructed to close all programs so, I temporarily disabled AVG 7.5 antivirus but, I didn't know that I'd have to close my web browser. Firefox 3.0 starts running automatically from the Start menu when the computer is turned on (as well as various other programs) so, how can all programs be closed/disabled on command? Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

This is my first post so, I apologize for any boo boo's.

Hello jawjagirl, and welcome to the forum.

It's a good idea not to have any applications open, but I've never been instructed to close any programs by CCleaner. I use Internet Explorer which may be why I don't have pop ups.

I make sure that my browser is closed to clean the cache.

I don't recommend disabling your antivirus, or firewall software.

Where did you download CCleaner from?

Heres the download link I use:

I use the slim build (No Toolbar).

Heres a link to CCleaners guide:

Let us know if you need more help.

P.S. boo boos are always welcome.


Yes, I get this message too (as many others must). Just close Firefox before running CC.

I don't bother to disable AVG, in fact I don't really worry about whether everything is shut down or not. It's no great deal, anything that isn't cleaned can be swept up next time.

I use FF mainly, but sometime I browse a little using IE with FF still open. After I've done I run CC in secure delete mode, still with FF open, so that only the IE browsing info is cleared. It just securely clears a few mb instead of wasting effort wiping all the FF stuff, which is normally deleted once or twice a week.

I'm such a forum virgin! I don't know the details about posting, replying to a post or how to use BB code so, this is going to be a quick note to thank you for your response and the information.

To quote you: "Just close Firefox before running CC."

My problem is knowing how to close Firefox because, since Firefox 3.0 was set as the default when it was downloaded, it starts running automatically each time the computer is turned on. When I hear someone say that they "closed their browser", I assume it means that they didn't log in (or, if they were logged in, they made sure that they logged out). Before starting the CCleaner scan, I checked the Task Manager and learned that Firefox, as well as various other programs were running. However, I went ahead with the scan, which produced the error message that I mentioned in my post.

Anyway, thanks for the gave me the confidence to quit worrying so much and finish the scan. I was concerned about how long of a list the scan had produced but, I attribute it to the fact that I used the latest v2.10.618 CCleaner. From reading some of the other posts, I understand that CCleaner v2.10 does a more thorough job.

To quote you again: "...anything that wasn't cleaned can be swept up next time." I'll quit worrying and take your advice.

Thanks again,


Unless I'm missing something (don't all shout at once) just click the red x in the top right corner of the FF browser window to close FF. If you have several tabs open it will prompt to close them all. You can say yes, or close the tabs before closing the browser. You can open FF again from the program list or your desktop (and lots of other places), and you can reinstate recently closed tabs if you wish.

Are you from Jawja?

Unless I'm missing something (don't all shout at once) just click the red x in the top right corner of the FF browser window to close FF. If you have several tabs open it will prompt to close them all. You can say yes, or close the tabs before closing the browser. You can open FF again from the program list or your desktop (and lots of other places), and you can reinstate recently closed tabs if you wish.

Are you from Jawja?

Re jawjagirl's problem:

I've suddenly had this problem too - which has never happened before in the two years or so I've had CCleaner. My problem is compounded by the fact that as far as I know I HAVE closed Firefox - in fact sometimes I haven't even opened it! The problem has arisen since installing both the latest Firefox and the latest CCleaner. Could this be more than coincidental?

Incidentally, I've also been unable to use System Restore - which I'd hoped might resolve matters.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd like to hear them. But in plan English please. I don't do computerspeak.

Re jawjagirl's problem:

I've suddenly had this problem too - which has never happened before in the two years or so I've had CCleaner. My problem is compounded by the fact that as far as I know I HAVE closed Firefox - in fact sometimes I haven't even opened it! The problem has arisen since installing both the latest Firefox and the latest CCleaner. Could this be more than coincidental?

Incidentally, I've also been unable to use System Restore - which I'd hoped might resolve matters.

If anyone has any suggestions, I'd like to hear them. But in plan English please. I don't do computerspeak.

Further to the above. I see that Bostonboy had an identical problem to mine. Surely one of you geniuses like DennisD has an answer?

Go to Taskmanager Ctrl+Alt+Del and look for any traces of Firefox still resident as sometimes it takes a while for its dll files to completely unload.

1. These tweaks require that you venture into your registry, please backup your registry.

2. Go to Start > Run when the Run box opens type in regedit

3. Your registry should have opened [Just checking...have you backed up your registry?] Navigate to the following keys; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer > AlwaysUnloadDLL

4. When you get to AlwaysUnloadDLL click on it, the pane to the right should have only one key, double-click on;

>(Default), change it to '1' (changing this enables the setting)

5. Click OK and restart your computer

Follow these steps if you do not have the key<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

6. You can download the registry file and simply merge it without having to modify the registry yourself - to get registry file Click Here

Note: When you download the file simply double-click on it, you will be prompted to confirm merging into your registry, click Yes and you're done.

Follow these steps to do it manually<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

7.Navigate to the following keys; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer

8. When you get to Explorer right-click on it and select New > Key, name that key AlwaysUnloadDLL and set the value to 1

9. Click OK and restart your computer

Direct download: