Error Initializing problem when uninstalling Ati Display Driver

Hello all :)

Noob to the Piriform family, but ecstatic you all have taken the time and effort to create these wonderful tools.

I have a problem when trying to run the Uninstaller. I get "error Initializing" box with "ATI Unistall" in the title after clicking on Uninstall with ATI Display Driver highlighted while using CCleaner's Uninstall utility. I re-installed the Catalyst Utility, removed everything it could find, It didn't find the driver. Then I Uninstalled the utility. Anyone have any ideas? Sorry if this is a noob question. but im really tired and out of ideas. Any help is greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing how you all use the Piriform software in your systems! :)

Thanks in Advance

I understand that CCleaner uses whatever facility is provided by the target application (e.g. Catalyst Utility),

so any error is the fault of the application.

You can test this by using Windows "Add and Remove Programmes",

which will probably give similar results,

in which case Catalyst Tech Support or a Catalyst user forum will have seen this before and know what to do.
