error 0x80072efe microsoft update


I am new and need the help ,I have been using CCleaner for long time beside using Microsoft security essentials and microsoft window defender and everything were working fine, but get a virus and the only software was able to clean it was Malawarebites...soon after I was not able to update any of the microsoft security essentail nor window defender and get ERROR 0X80072EFE, everyone in the net said it is registery problem and recommanded other registery cleaner to correct the problem. but since CCLEANER is a registery fix why is not able to help to fix my problem? is that means it is not that good and I was mistaken to buy it?

anyone can help is most welcome.

Where did you buy it ?

CCleaner is free and can be downloaded freely from or ;)

Most registry problems can be resolved by using the System Restore.

Richard S.

Trouble is with system restore he may restore a virus problem.

Perhaps salemmaher it may be a good idea to try and follow the steps here

and do what steps that you can and post any logs you are able to do in the Spyware Hell part of the forum where a spyware moderator will help you.