I have seen this app mentioned often here. I have researched this app and read the reviews and all the info on the Eraser site. From what I have read this program is very dangerous if you use the 5.80 or 5.81 version. There is a erasing option called first/last2k method that will trash your hard drive. Version 5.82 is supposed to have fixed this issue. From what I have read the option has been removed. Well I have downloaded and installed 5.82 and that option is still present. I know not to use it but I thought it was supposed to be removed from the app. I have verified that I have version 5.82 and I downloaded it from the Eraser home page. I have asked about this on their forum but no replys yet. What version are the people here using? If you are using 5.82 is the first/last2k method still in the eraser options?
I still use 5.7, but a quick check of their forum finds this stuck to the top of their support forum:
This version has the first/last2k method removed from the erase unused space option.
Interesting, I guess it really is erasing your hard drive, but too much!
I don't have the fear or patience to wait for this thing to clean my hard drive of data that someone might find.
Wait untill recuva will be able to secure shread what it finds(should be a feature eventually), that would be a great way to do it.
I still use 5.7, but a quick check of their forum finds this stuck to the top of their support forum:
Yes I read that that is why I asked here and their forum. I have version 5.82, no mistake there, but the first/last2k method is in the options still.
After thinking some more about this I think I have figured this out. The problems were with selecting first/last2k method when wiping the free space on the whole disk. In the eraser options there is two parts to the erasing options. One for files and one for the disk. The first/last2k method is not in the disk part of the options but it still is in the file part. Maybe they mean it was removed from the disk part of the options only since that was where the problems were? If it's that dangerous it should be totaly removed. Any ways still no response from their forum. Doesn't surprise me. Looking through their forum there are many threads with no responses in them.
After thinking some more about this I think I have figured this out. The problems were with selecting first/last2k method when wiping the free space on the whole disk. In the eraser options there is two parts to the erasing options. One for files and one for the disk. The first/last2k method is not in the disk part of the options but it still is in the file part. Maybe they mean it was removed from the disk part of the options only since that was where the problems were?
Yes, thats why I underlined the relevant part of the quote from their forum: "the first/last2k method removed from the erase unused space option". Sorry I thought I'd made it obvious enough
Yes, thats why I underlined the relevant part of the quote from their forum: "the first/last2k method removed from the erase unused space option". Sorry I thought I'd made it obvious enough
It is obvious now that I look at it. The first time I read it I just totally over looked the underlined part
Why do you prefer 5.7?
It is obvious now that I look at it. The first time I read it I just totally over looked the underlined partWhy do you prefer 5.7?
I've just stuck with it cos when I tried 5.8 (when it first came out) it had a bug which messed up the right click context menu, so I uninstalled it. Theres been a couple of updates since then but that erase free space bug put me off updating for a while too. It does seem more stable now and I have been considering updating to the newest version, though last time I was browsing their forum there were still comments about a context menu bug. So I've just stuck with 5.7 cos it works and is bug free for me.
I've just stuck with it cos when I tried 5.8 (when it first came out) it had a bug which messed up the right click context menu, so I uninstalled it. Theres been a couple of updates since then but that erase free space bug put me off updating for a while too. It does seem more stable now and I have been considering updating to the newest version, though last time I was browsing their forum there were still comments about a context menu bug. So I've just stuck with 5.7 cos it works and is bug free for me.
I haven't noticed a context menu bug in 5.82 since I installed a few days ago. I think the bug that was reported was hanging or crashing of explorer on some systems.