For those of you who like me still use eraser there is a new version available, its been 3 years since the last version so you would expect a load of changes but there isn't. I suppose in some way its a good thing there wasn't much to fault with the last version.
Option to erase first and last 2k of a file i.e. a ultra quick erase
Option to password protect the app from unauthorised usage.
Erase files on reboot.
Secure moving of files.
When erasing recycle bin also erase Norton unerase files.
Option to shutdown or reboot after finishing the erase process
WARNING! Read the posts on the Eraser Forum. Eraser 5.8 appears to be a beta and, despite several revisions (which don't appear to be clearly identified), serious bugs are still being reported.
WARNING! Read the posts on the Eraser Forum. Eraser 5.8 appears to be a beta and, despite several revisions (which don't appear to be clearly identified), serious bugs are still being reported.
I tried it and it messed up my right click context menu, putting extra spaces and lines in (thankfully fixed just by uninstalling) so sticking with old version for now.