Erase with Win 7 at start-up

I was using Ccleaner with XP at start-up without any problem.

now, with Win 7, I can't succeed: I checked " as administrator" so that I dont get a message to authorize ccleaner to start anymore, but the cleaning is performed only when manually launched...

Any ideas?

Checking Administrator will tell the program to ALWAYS ask for UAC in vista and Win7 (you don't need to check it because CCleaner is already programmed to do that.)

Here is a short tutorial on making a program run without UAC prompt (they use ccleaner as an example)

Checking Administrator will tell the program to ALWAYS ask for UAC in vista and Win7 (you don't need to check it because CCleaner is already programmed to do that.)

Here is a short tutorial on making a program run without UAC prompt (they use ccleaner as an example)

Thanks, but I tested the shortcut alreadyn and it works fine, but my question is about Ccleaner cleaning the PC at start-up: At first, I had always a message asking for permission to clean; now, since I cheked "as administrator", I don't get the message any more, but no effect at start-up. It morks fine if I launch it manually.

(the shortcut probably has no effect on a program at startup, but I checked also the program to be run as administrator)