Physicists have long theorized that particle accelerators could destroy the earth. When electric fields are used to accelerate protons they could collide at speed fast enough to create black holes or bits of altered matter. These small black holes would slowly engulf our planet. The pieces of altered matter, called strangeletes, would destroy any ordinary matter they came in contact with, eventually annihilating the entire planet. Although most scientists assure that none of the particle accelerators being used at the present are strong enough to bring about these events they are unsure of the abilities of the newest accelerator being built. Currently, over two-thousand physicists from thirty-four countries, universities and laboratories are aiding in the construction of The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) located near Geneva, Switzerland. It is scheduled to begin experimentation in May 2008. It is hoped that if black holes are produced they will be small enough to evaporate, but only time will tell.
Ok, Particle Accelerators idea of ending the world is stupid. There is one already in use, it's on a much smaller scale then the one in Switzerland. It's the biggest funded science experiment ever done. The black holes don't last long and aren't true black holes.
Rogue Black Holes is unlikely. But yes, it could happen. We would know a way of head a time, you can not see a black hole, but you can monitor it's radio waves and see matter moving towards a center. Like a whirlpool.
Gamma-Ray Burst, who knows. There are many circumstances to fact in and it's like winning the lottery. Most people will never win in their lifetime.
Never liked or believed the Omega Point. The world will end in a different way, believe you me.
Bubble Nucleation, Scientists have predicted this would be billions and billions of years. But, humans do make mistakes.
Divine Intervention, I hope not. Millions of people would be screwed, including myself.
Solar Activity is a gamble. We have no way to foresee it and no way to prevent it.
Aliens Attack The Earth, if I had to pick one. That would be it, DESTROY ALL HUMANS! At least we would not be alone.
Global War, humans are dumb enough to do it too...
Ecosystem Collapse, probably the way the world will end. We suck this world dry and kill everything in it for the almighty dollar.
End of the World, 10 Disasters that could end it all at any given second:
"End of the World" is a human term, and far too often I think we humans think we are the world. Sorry but humans are just another animal - albeit a sophisticated thinking one with far too much potential for self/mutual annihilation - nothing like sharing the doom is there. Sure humanity can annihilate itself, we all know of this as it's been pounded into our brains from schooling, to scientific television programming, and even the news.
Long after humanity is erased from existence mother Earth will merrily go on supporting other forms of life.
As for the other ways - sure whatever. People in the scientific community have been pissing themselves about gamma ray bursts, etc., and seem so fixated on it that they want to share the doom and tell everyone else about it in television programs, etc. Outside things wiping us out is possible such as an asteroid or comet however there's beyond enough stuff on the Earth to do the job effectively without it coming from our solar system (asteroid, comet) or from another part of the universe.
Yeah that's a close one that the scientists have talked about on T.V. countless times.
The freaky thing is that if they come out at us from a certain angle, we won't know about it till it is more or less too late. I think we would be able to send enough nukes in time though to vaporize it. But then, would the radiation fall back to earth???
The freaky thing is that if they come out at us from a certain angle, we won't know about it till it is more or less too late. I think we would be able to send enough nukes in time though to vaporize it. But then, would the radiation fall back to earth???
Or as they've also suggested that instead of just one impact the splitting up of one could create several impacts, and it wouldn't take a very big one to wipe out a whole city.
I like the theory of gently moving one off course just a little bit so that it would harmlessly pass right by, and I don't think the "macho" blow it up approach would be super successful myself.
Its mankind that is screwed. The planet has survived alot worse.
How long were dinosaurs around? Then they were gone. Then came humans, soon we will all be gone. . . .
then possibly, all the cartoon characters will come to life and spring off paper what with all the alien and raditaion outer worldly influences; and earth will be populated with Peter Griffins and Voltron?