Eliot Spitzer does a face plant.

I love it when these guys nose dive. Mr self righteous on his big crusade to save the world and he is nabbed in a prostitute scandal :lol: This stuff makes my day. He has the credibility of a 3 dollar bill :P

I just read that here.

Wow.....credibilty - destroyed.


I just read that here.

Wow.....credibilty - destroyed.


It wouldn't have been so bad if the guy wasn't such a phony. He was on this big crusade to rid NY of corruption. He started this crusade as AG of NY than used the platform he built out of BS to jump to Governor where he continued his crusade. This is one ass hole who lived in a glass house while throwing stones. Now all we need is for this guy to take a dive out the window of a nice tall building and finish this story off nicely.

I was channel surfing TV last night and a couple of the cable news channels were covering his fall from grace.

He has officially resigned.....a lot of New Yorkers seemed to have wanted this.


He has officially resigned.....a lot of New Yorkers seemed to have wanted this.


You can't run your mouth about corruption like this retard did and than go and do what he did and not expect to have your head handed to you. He was actually involved in busting prostitution rings when he was a DA. There should be zero tolerance for any body in law enforcement or involved with making laws. If you break the laws while you are in a job enforcing laws you are morally unqualified and undeserving of that job and should be removed immediately. When they are prosecuted they should get 3x the penalty normally handed out. 1x for the crime. 2x for committing it while they hold postions involved with law enforcement. 3x for being a piece of hypocritical crap and as a deterrent to other pieces of hypocritical crap.

If you break the laws while you are in a job enforcing laws you are morally unqualified and undeserving of that job and should be removed immediately. When they are prosecuted they should get 3x the penalty normally handed out. 1x for the crime. 2x for committing it while they hold postions involved with law enforcement. 3x for being a piece of hypocritical crap and as a deterrent to other pieces of hypocritical crap.

So you are saying that cops shouldn't be on their cell phones (without hands free devices --Connecticut passed that law) or that they cannot purposefully speed???


So you are saying that cops shouldn't be on their cell phones (without hands free devices --Connecticut passed that law) or that they cannot purposefully speed???


If they are speeding during the course of their duties of course it's OK. They have lights and sirens to make this safe and they are doing it to help somebody.There is no violation of a law there. I don't see what this has to do with what I said. My point was if you are in a position that is involved with making or enforcing laws you need to be held to a higher standard. When they commit crimes they are no longer qualified IMO to enforce the law. They lose all credibility and have no business being in the profession. How can you possibly have anything but contempt for a person that goes around breaking the same laws he enforces?

As for you example about the cell phone. If the cop is on the phone yapping with his Buddie he is just as in violation of the law as you would be.

If they are speeding during the course of their duties of course it's OK. They have lights and sirens to make this safe and they are doing it to help somebody.There is no violation of a law there. I don't see what this has to do with what I said.

With the speeding, I mean if the officer is abusing his right just because he is a cop. Not during a chase obviously, but when he is on the main road just cruising around and patrolling. I find it annoying when they go faster than the speed limit.

And with the cell phones, it is either hands free (headset, etc) or no calling in CT. I've seen plenty of cops do it, and the law is on the books.


With the speeding, I mean if the officer is abusing his right just because he is a cop. Not during a chase obviously, but when he is on the main road just cruising around and patrolling. I find it annoying when they go faster than the speed limit.

And with the cell phones, it is either hands free (headset, etc) or no calling in CT. I've seen plenty of cops do it, and the law is on the books.


Well this is the kind of abuse I am talking about. Those cops should be fired immediately and prosecuted to fullest extent of the law and then some. They have no right to be in their jobs. Like Spitzer they have the credibility of a 3 dollar bill.

and doctors that smoke.....nurses that drink......firefighters that have backyard firepits.........car mechanics that dont bring their vehicles to the shop..........hairstylists that do their own hair.........everybody bends the rules.

taxis, couriers, etc. its their jobs to drive all day, and they are as a rule terrible for following the rules of the road.

and police are exempt from many of the same laws that other citizens are...like wearing a seatbelt, or having to be registered to carry a firearm. there are always exceptions to the rules. parking, etc.

spitzer made a mistake, hes paying for it. i dont see the need to beat the guy down. hes already down and will go further i am thinking.

and doctors that smoke.....nurses that drink......firefighters that have backyard firepits.........car mechanics that dont bring their vehicles to the shop..........hairstylists that do their own hair.........everybody bends the rules.

taxis, couriers, etc. its their jobs to drive all day, and they are as a rule terrible for following the rules of the road.

and police are exempt from many of the same laws that other citizens are...like wearing a seatbelt, or having to be registered to carry a firearm. there are always exceptions to the rules. parking, etc.

spitzer made a mistake, hes paying for it. i dont see the need to beat the guy down. hes already down and will go further i am thinking.

Those examples examples of hairdressers and nurses etc are not relevant. Different all together. A nurse that smokes after seeing the damage it can do first hand is just dumb and hurts nobody but herself. A piece of crap like Spitzer who put many in jail and spent millions of tax payers money on a witch hunt on Wall Street is another story all together. His intent all along was to further his career not to right wrongs. He was a bully and abused his position all the while he's no better, probably worse, than the people he was going after. I don't see how anybody can be OK with that.

As for him making a mistake that is simply not what happened. A mistake is spilling a glass of water, making a left when you meant to go right. Mistakes are unintentional. He new exactly what he was doing. All the while the guy is preaching and on a crusade. Now he gets what he has been giving out and it looks real good on him. I bet the ho's are the tip of the iceberg with this terd. Now that he has been removed from any position of power watch the crap fly now.

cops are above the law...just ask them...better yet, just observe them on the highways

cops are above the law...just ask them...better yet, just observe them on the highways

Funny timing with your comment. I just watched a movie called Copland with Stallone in it. About a small New Jersey town filled with pigs in serious need of extermination. I have no doubt that most cops are like the ones in the movie. I know of many that are for sure.

Funny timing with your comment. I just watched a movie called Copland with Stallone in it. About a small New Jersey town filled with pigs in serious need of extermination. I have no doubt that most cops are like the ones in the movie. I know of many that are for sure.

thats a very blanket statement. thats like ignorant (in the true sense of the word) people that believe that people that frequent web forums are geeky social outcasts with no social lives. just not true. there are good and bad in everything. only the bad ones make the news though. ;)

thats a very blanket statement. thats like ignorant (in the true sense of the word) people that believe that people that frequent web forums are geeky social outcasts with no social lives. just not true. there are good and bad in everything. only the bad ones make the news though. ;)

I have met too many bad ones for me to believe other wise. I am sure there are good ones but there are far too many bad ones and there are enough bad ones that making a blanket statement fits is this situation. Just so you know I am not a person that has been in trouble with the law. I have never been arrested nor do I have a criminal record so this is not sour grapes here. As for "only the bad ones make the news though" they are the tip of the iceberg there is much more that does not make the news and you know it. You have said you are police officer so you know what goes on but there is no way you will discuss it here. I have a friend that joined the local police force and was absolutely disgusted with what went on and quit the force. Dirty cops are a whole different level of trash.

I've seen nothing but absolute law abiding people involved in law enforcement. Police are recorded in the cars, in the buildings, and by the public. Judges dont believe the word of police, lawyers attempt to throw out everything police do, and the public has no respect for them. Its not a good working environment at all. But it pays good and has a great pension. Most officers couldn't care less about committing crimes-there is too much to lose, nothing to gain. Follow the rules, do your job, go home. Just like every other job.

I've seen much more corruption from auto mechanics, roofers, and employers that dont follow human rights and health and safety legislation. There is always two sides to every story.

Judges dont believe the word of police, lawyers attempt to throw out everything police do, and the public has no respect for them. Its not a good working environment at all.

There is a reason for that.

I've seen much more corruption from auto mechanics, roofers, and employers that don't follow human rights and health and safety legislation. There is always two sides to every story.

You will get no argument from me. The difference is that they don't arrest people for crimes. They are criminals and that's it. It's a whole other thing when you arrest people for crimes that you are committing your self.

I don't think spitzer arrested anyone. And the crimes that he helped prosecute encompassed a lot larger range then his alledged indiscretion with a prostitute.

I don't think spitzer arrested anyone. And the crimes that he helped prosecute encompassed a lot larger range then his alledged indiscretion with a prostitute.

That was funny audio but also a good example of police arrogance. How come there were no options for if you want them to plant evidence on you or lie under oath or beat you up for no bowing down to them.

Spitzer didn't have to arrest any one. He was the top law enforcement official in the state of NY as AG.He laid the charges and started many law suits as well. Google the guy and check out what he did. He was night mare on Wall Street. He did some good in cleaning up the garbage that takes place in the investment world but he was so self righteous about it and that in it's self isn't so bad but when your talking out your ass as he obviously was than it's a problem