EICAR test virus not detected when downloaded from Firefox?

This is something I've only just noticed (after reading something in another thread). If I attempt to download the EICAR test virus (http://www.eicar.org/download/eicar.com) with IE my AVG anti-virus warns me its dangerous as soon as I click the link. But if I click the link in Firefox I get no warning and can download it (I only get warned then if I try to do something with it after its downloaded).

Is this normal behaviour for AVG/FF or have I got something set up wrong in one or the other?

Does the last paragraph of this page link mean anything?


Thanks for the link Hazel but as is always the way, I found the answer after posting. There is an option in AVG that corrects this, though its not enabled by default as it can be a little resource hungry and interrupt things like screensavers, defrag etc.

For future reference its in AVG control centre - right click the resident shield, click properties and tick the 'On close scanning' box

Now when I click the EICAR download link in Firefox I get an AVG warning before I even get a chance to download it :)

(I'll post back if I notice any resource or other problems)

For future reference its in AVG control centre - right click the resident shield, click properties and tick the 'On close scanning' box

I have always enabled that with no ill effects, however it may very well depend upon your PC's specs.

I have always enabled that with no ill effects, however it may very well depend upon your PC's specs.

Well no ill effects so far. Just glad I spotted this with the test virus rather than potentially missing a real one.

Well no ill effects so far. Just glad I spotted this with the test virus rather than potentially missing a real one.

Indeed. There's no sense it waiting for it to be detected later on during a full system scan when it can be detected and dealt with the instant it tries to get into the system.