Anyone else getting a red screen/phishing warning when you go to ebay with chrome? It doesn't happen on the main page, but it does happen when you click on a listing.
I guess its just a bug or maybe ebay got hacked? Idk but its happening on my desktop, laptop, and my wife's mac.
I don't get that in SRWare Iron Portable v44.0.2350.0 (32-bit) which is based upon Chromium v44, I browsed eBay for several minutes and nothing was out of the ordinary, no warnings, no alarms, etc.
Do you use an adblocker in Chrome, and a Windows HOSTS file? I do and perhaps they're blocking some malware on my end.
I do use adblock on chrome. No host file.
Its not doing it anymore today. Must have been something going on last night. It was doing it on all the computers I have in my house, and even a mac so I doubt it was real malware. I ran MBAM scan and cleaned my browser cache just to be safe but everything seems fine.