Easy Clean

since using the latest version of CC I have user the easy clean twice and both time I lost most of my desk top icons.

Why is this happening?

When you say that you 'lost' the icons do you mean that they went blank or that they dissapeared altogether? (or have they changed to show something else).

And are they <strong><u>icons</u></strong> (little logos) or are they <strong><u>thumbnails</u></strong> (little pictures of what is in a file)?

For example CCleaner and defraggler here are desktop Icons, 'bluebell' is a thumbnail of a photograph.


CCleaner should not delete/clear the desktop icons.

However <strong>Easy Clean will always clear your <u>thumbnail</u> cache by default. (But not your Icon cache).</strong>

Custom Clean can also clear your thumbnail cache but you can turn it on and off in Custom Clean.

I suspect that these are thumbnails (not icons) and Easy Clean will always clear them.

If you don't want them clearing then you have to use Custom Clean and untick 'Thumbnail cache' under 'Windows Explorer'.


You can set Custom Clean to be the default screen that CCleaner will show you when you start it:


If these are actually Icons that are being cleared then something is wrong and we would need to take a closer look.

PS- Just to check something - are you also running the Registry Cleaner as well as Easy Clean?

They are ICONS and not thumbnails. eg program start up icons and PDF document icons.

They are still in the document or other folders. they just disappear from the desktop and desktop folder. Not all icons though.

Yes I did the easy clean after w which the registry clean as well. I hope I am making sense.

On further checking, I should have called them SHORTCUT ( icons ?)

PS I never had this problem until easy clean came about.

I have just un-ticked the thumbnail cache and this seems to have been the problem.

Thanks for your assistance.


Just to note that if you use Easy Clean (again) then ticking/unticking those options will have no effect whatsoever.

Those options are only ever used by Custom Clean.

Easy Clean completely ignores them and uses its own set of rules. (And it will <u>always</u> clear the Thumbnail cache).

PS. You should avoid using the registry cleaner, especially with Windows 10.

Here is what Microsoft have to say about registry cleaners:
