early renewal question

greeting. todayi had a pop up telling me ccleaner had a sale if i renew early..not due for another 3 month.at the end it show lisence good till feb 2021 but my billing date is still feb 2020. will i be billed again in feb 2020 ?

I assume that this is the 'Black Friday' offer which was launched today, with a pop-up appearing when you launched CCleaner.


(We are told that you'll see a maximum of 4 'Black Friday' offer pop-ups up to December 3rd when the offer ends).

If your puchase a new licence whilst your current one still has time left on it then the time left will be added on, and the new one will run for one year after your existing one ends.

This means that existing users can take advantage of special offers without losing out.

We have not been told that this particular offer is any different than normal.

If you upgrade to the Pro-plus bundle at the same time then you will get a new licence key for that, and it may take a little longer to add on the existing time.

@Dave CCleaner explained it in a post back in September:

<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		As a side note, if you renew early then you should not lose any time off your licence - if you expire in December 2019 and renew in October 2019 then your licence will run until December 2020.  If when you renew you also upgrade from CCleaner, Defraggler, Speccy or Recuva to the all-in-one CCleaner Pro Plus bundle then this may not be automatic - please allow up to 14 days for your extra time to be credited to your new licence serial key.  If after 14 days you are still not seeing what you should with your expiry date then please poke the custmer support team at support@ccleaner.com and they'll cheerfully sort it out for you.

How do I turn the Sale notifications off? I know that a paid, professional piece of software must have the option to disable advertisements but I can't find the option anywhere.

I am having the same problem. I'm running CCleaner Pro and am being bombarded nearly daily with a "Renew early" pop up ad! I need to make this stop as it's happening on all of my machines and driving me nuts!

A week ago I went into the settings Options --> Privacy and deselected everything . . . has had no impact and the problem still persists. Anybody got any ideas?

@Blitzen: The standard messages offering customers a discount for renewing early are currently set to show once every 11-13 days, although there was a "counter reset" for English language users on May 21st when some content was updated, so you may have seen the message twice last week. I have just rechecked the server logs and aside from the "double-bump" last week the volume of message sends is not currently at any abnormal levels.

If you are seeing this message "nearly daily" rather than just twice last week then that sounds like a bug of some sort specific to your system configuration. Most common reasons for any form of over-messaging from CCleaner are:

  • You are using a version of CCleaner that is older than version 5.54 (which patched an overmessaging bug).
  • You have removed from the cookies whitelist within CCleaner our "don't show me this message I have already seen it" cookie.

If you are still getting repeating messages over the past few days, can I check if each time you are seeing the "renew early" message, does it have the same or different layouts?

I don't want to see these prompts EVER. They steal the focus and interfere with normal use of the computer. Just send me an email. Other products allow me to turn off onscreen prompts so why not CCleaner? I get these prompts on several computers and must address it on every one of them 2-3 times a month. If this type of consumer harassment is not stopped, I am uninstalling CCleaner and never buying another Piriform product.

In addition, this special offer seems like a scam. Piriform appears to have doubled the price of CCleaner and then claimed to offer "extra savings" of 50% off. It makes Piriform seem disreputable.