So ya I'm not the biggest computer techie, but I need serious help...
just recently found out my cd player and dvd player BOTH don't work anymore out of the blue, as in they don't come up in my computer when you put cds and stuff in.
I tried the "add hardware" in control panel and it says
Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware.
The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39)
sooooo I uninstalled tried reinstalling nothing, so....
I downloaded the drivers and the .exe file says no drive detected.
idk if I'm missing something but I'm really stumped. once again I'm not a huge techie AND I'm new so please help
I`m no techie either, but for want of a better suggestion without actually seeing your pc, I think I would first have a look inside your base unit.
It may simply be a loose ribbon or cable connection from your drives. The "no drive detected" message you receive might be a result of that.
If it is a loose connection, then it`s usually just a push on connector. Take the side panel off (with it switched off of course), and see if you can see the cable that connects to the rear of your drives. You can`t do any damage if you don`t touch anything. These units are designed to be user accessible.
If this dosen`t help, come back with more details of your pc (model, age etc), and maybe one of the other guys here, (the cleverer ones) may have some other suggestions.
5. On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click OK.
6. Quit Registry Editor.NOTE: After you remove the Upperfilters value and the Lowerfilters value, if you notice lost functionality in a particular program, such as CD recording software, you may need to reinstall that software. If the problem recurs, consult with the software vendor for assistance.
7. Restart your computer.
Although this is specific to removing Easy CD Creator, others cite this as a general fix for the referenced error codes.
oh im excited! thank you I am going to try this first thing when I get home, been really busy at school and my poor computer is left broken but that sounds about right. Thank you so much for your time guys, many many thanks.
soooo I deleted the upper and lower filters, and nothing. I restarted of course and same thing happened. I also tried my old HDD from another computer and it worked fine instead of the optical drives so it's not the cable or connection. I tried 4 different optical drives and restarted many times. any other ideas? sorrry
ya I just reinstalled windows and reformatted the HDD something was terribly wrong with the registry so I just hell with it and start all over lol and its all workin just great now of course. Thanks for the tips though but it was just a lost cause haha