Make CCleaner find duplicate unnecessary files and delete them.
Make CCleaner find duplicate unnecessary files and delete them.
Make CCleaner find duplicate unnecessary files and delete them.Tankx
I don't know if this is a good idea because a thorough research for duplicate files can take a lot of time.
On the other side it could be very handy if a fast research for duplicate files by same name is implemented
but I think it isn't a smal feature to implement (add drive select, change file display screen for duplicate file selection, add main search code and maybe other changes are needed).
Make CCleaner find duplicate unnecessary files and delete them.
What's unnecessary?
It is not Free and costs $26.00 for the full version.Try Duplicate Finder to find and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxincluding duplicate images, pictures, mp3s or any type of files.
Advance marking system lets you select files by date, size, and several other criteria. Duplicate files can be deleted, moved, or copied.
Duplicate Finder search duplicates using byte by byte or crc32 to give you most accurate and faster results.
Good interface with lots of features.
Try it free:xxxxxxxxxxx
Dup-Killer is a freeware duplicate finder i tested (and translated) some time ago.
However, always be careful deleting duplicates, not all them are surely that 'unuseful', IMO.
Removing duplicates can very easily cause the dreaded reinstallation of programs or worse Windows itself. From prior years past experience I won't touch duplicate finders anymore as it's a sure fire way of causing issues.
I use NirSoft's HashMyFiles to locate duplicate files.
Searching for documents or media files is fine but never use it to deleting program files this can cause serious problems as Andavari suggested.
Richard S.
Just looks like spamming an eighteen-month old thread to me.
This has to be a wind up $26.00 for Personal License?? lmfao @ the awards page.
It's spam they hit elsewhere with the same crap posting via web site IP address.
Richard S.
Well I'm afraid Jade won't be posting here anymore
I recommend xxxxxxxx. This is program for finding duplicate files, such as photo files, music files, and image files. It has the following ways to search for duplicate files: search by content, search by properties, files with a zero size.
Spam link removed along with poster: DD
This isn't too bad if you really want to review duplicate files - and it's free. It searches for duplicates by file name, file date, file size - and then if matched, by checksum (MD5).
Yet another (yawn) boring file cloning detection tool for your Windows operating system.
It maybe free download but not free software and frankly anyone who thinks it's okay to charge hideously high prices (e.g. Site license $357.90) for a basic program needs a reality check.
I think i'll pass and use I use NirSoft's HashMyFiles or SearchMyFiles instead.
Richard S.
Ccleaner is a great tool for cleaning and etc but when it comes to duplicate problem.. I'm using a program called "*********************" ... its a great software and effective in finding duplicate files IMHO...
Software name removed from above post. It's a paid software you are just trying to advertise.
Poster is now banned.
Since this topic was only revived to spam it, and since it's a spam magnet it's now closed.