Driver Updater bricked my USB 3.0 Ports!

Pretty damn annoyed!

Your Driver Updater caused my USB 3.0 Ports to stop working!

I could not use my mouse or keyboard. I had to find another mouse that would work in another port. Ended up having to use an analog PS2 adapter for the mouse in safe mode!

Countless hours wasted trying system restore, booting into Safe Mode, rolling back drivers with input devices that would not work half the time.

Well done on the restore points that won't work with anti-virus as well!

I thought Piriform made quality products? 

Would you mind providing us with more information so that this can be looked into?

For instance, what version of Windows is installed on the computer? If it's Windows 10, can you also let us know the OS Build and Experience (if present)? That information can be found in the Settings App > System > About > Windows specifications section.

The brand and model of the computer could also help, as would the report from the System Information utility in Windows?

You can save the System Information report using the following steps:

Open the "Run" dialog in Windows (On the keyboard, hold the "Windows" () and "R" keys simultaneously)

Type: msinfo32.exe > click OK

Click File > Save...

The following log files could also be helpful.

C:\Program Files\CCleaner\Data\DUState.dat

C:\Program Files\CCleaner\LOG\DriverUpdaterLib.log


Of course, I understand completely if you don't want to send along all this information 'out in the open' like on a forum - you're more than welcome to instead contact our support team directly via the Contact Us form here: or by emailing and sending the needed information along that way instead.

Also, keep in mind that System Restore is entirely a Microsoft system; we actually don't have any interaction with this system save for deleting these points when asked to via the Tools > System Restore section of CCleaner; when new System Restore points are created as part of the Driver Update, this is actually a Windows function that does it. You'd think that you could then use a Windows function to restore them, accordingly... Unfortunately, in Windows 10 especially, it seems to have gotten a touch more temperamental (though I'm not sure if that's because of changes Microsoft's made or various antivirus providers).

Hi johnccleaner,

Sorry for my outburst, I was pretty annoyed last night when it happened. I have managed to system restore back to before the drivers were installed. I had a bad feeling about updating the drivers as my system is old (2013) and I am using Windows 7.

The MB is MSI z87-GD65 I will forward the other information later.