Driver Update is telling me there are 2 updates available for my machine, but when I click on update it closes, I tried finding the updated drivers by hand but I coudn't find them anywhere, so where does CCleaner get its drivers updates?
Hi @CarouselJorge CCleaner uses an internal database for driver updates and we obtain the driver installation files directly from the hardware manufacturer.
Can you please see if this problem persists after configuring CCleaner as follows?
Right-click CCleaner > click Properties
Open the Compatibility tab
Check "Run this program as an administrator"
Click Apply > OK
Afterwards, please re-scan for driver updates, then check to see if the problem has been resolved:
Open CCleaner > click Driver Updater
Click "Scan again" > Update All
Otherwise, can you please configure a checkmark next to only 1 of the driver update entries, then click "Update Selected" to see if drivers can be installed individually?
Hi - I have the same problem on my laptop although my pc similarly running win11 has no problems with updating drivers. Thus Ccleaner closes shortly after trying to update all or just one driver, and I have also checked the administrator box so frustratingly this continues to leave me with the 15 driver updates reported..
Hello @philwray, I'm sorry to hear that. Please email our team at so our Driver Updater team could have a closer look over your situation.