Hi, I have a disk of 930 GB of which 204 is 726 GB (around 2 Mio. files...) is occupied. After I run the drive wiper 2 times there are still a lot of deleted files of all sort (pdf, RAR, MOV, DOCX, VMV, MP4, MP3, listed by recoverit (not destroyed by the wipe process). Is this normal?

Also the wipe process takes around 7 hours... 1 run... is this normal?


Can it actually recover the files, or is it just listing what used to be there?

The disc's file table can still contain a list of what was there, but they should have been overwritten so can't actually be recovered.

Yes, wiping a 1 TB drive can take quite a while.

Anything that has to read or write the whole of a TB sized disc (or bigger) is going to take time. (eg. Defragmenting the whole disc).

It's just a drawback of having large disc capacities, there's a lot more disc to be worked on.

57 minutes ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Can it actually recover the files, or is it just listing what used to be there?

		The disc's file table can still contain a list of what <em>was</em> there, but they should have been overwritten so can't actually be recovered.

		Yes, wiping a 1 TB drive can take quite a while.

		Anything that has to read or write the whole of a TB sized disc (or bigger) is going to take time. (eg. Defragmenting the whole disc).

		It's just a drawback of having large disc capacities, there's a lot more disc to be worked on.

Oh it seems that recoverit is showing all the files, the existing AND the deleted... I need to check if I can select only the deleted...

Thanks for your reply anyway!!!