Drive Wiper

I am trying to wipe the entire drive of my old pc, and under drive wiper when I choose the option "wipe" "entire drive" with complex security, it won't let me choose the C:Drive. It will let me choose the D drive which on this HP is the factory Image.

Anyone have any suggestions or do I need to do something else in order for the C drive to be highlighted so I can wipe the entire drive.

I already ran the wipe "free space only" option on the C and the D drives.

Because the c drive is running live windows and inside that windows Ccleaner is running. A paradox would form if ccleaner could wipe (erase) the entire drive (everything including the windows and ccleaner itself).

You must either mount the drive in another computer or use a live disc such as Dban or your HP recovery drive.

If you do the first two (dBaN or mounting) you need to reload windows but no more wiping will be needed. If you use the HP recovery disc it will reinstall a clean copy of windows exactly identical to how the PC was when shipped from HP; I would, however, suggest running ccleaner's "wipe freespace only" on the drive.

Also on a modern drive, it is unnecessary to run any more passes than 1 secure pass (ccleaner or dBAN or any other software). Anything else is overkill, and will literally kill the lifespan of the drive.

I hate to tell you this, but you're dealing with a pc dummy. I don't know how to mount a drive or anything about dban, lol (I could google and figure it out but then again I might screw it up too). With that being said, I already ran the "wipe freespace only" on my C drive. I will do the HP recovery from the D drive since that's the only option I know and let it install a clean copy. Would that be enough? I plan on sending this pc to a recycle center.

Other way around run hp recovery then wipefreespace (that way it's assured to be less likely to recover from).

However if you are bringing it to recycling, and you are paranoid (like me), call the recycler ahead of time and ask if they'll pull the hard drive for you and return it (the hard drive) to you. The only foolproof way to make a hard drive completely unrecoverable is to physically destroy the actual hardware (often refered to as taking a drill press to it, though sledgehammers, and salt water soaks are also popular methods), I've never actually done that so have hundreds of drives lying around

Thanks for the advice, I'll do the hp recovery and wipefree space and get the hard drive pulled out. Wonder if soaking the hard drive in bleach works, I'm being silly. Windex soak I hear fixes everything, have you watched the movie "my big fat greek wedding" lol.

I really do appreciate all the help you've given me here. Thank you.