Drive wiper not responding

Trying to wipe data off of an external hard drive before trashing it. However, when I select it and "Submit," nothing happens, no warning, etc.

g'day Larry and welcome.

what is your CC and OS versions?

when you say Submit, I assume you mean the Wipe button.

why not just low-level format the drive from File Explorer. (right click drive, Format, untick Quick Format, Start)

the end result will be the same.

cc 5.44.X on WIN10/64.

While replying to your post, I went back to the software and fired it up again to check whether the word was "submit" or "wipe". Then I clicked it again to confirm that it would do nothing, and surprise! It's now wiping the drive clean.

As for your suggestion, thank you, but I paid good money for CCleaner and expect it to work as advertised.

6 hours ago, Larry Cleans said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		As for your suggestion, thank you, but I paid good money for CCleaner and expect it to work as advertised.

no worries, glad it came good for you.