I was using the drive wiper 4 days ago to clean some external drives. Left my computer alone for a couple hours while it worked on erasing, came back to a bluescreen, rebooted, and immediate virus warnings popped up. I did not read them, the drives being wiped were already clean and formatted. I did not take time to write the bsod error message down, or save the results of the virus scan. I just know everything was fine until I used the Drive Wiper feature of ccleaner. Turned off computer, installed new SSD, reinstalled W10. Was not going to mess around poking it
I'm not pointing fingers or trying to start a fight here, but has anyone else had a similar issue?
Is the Driver Wiper program written by piriform or is it a 3rd party app just being incorporated into the ccleaner app?
I NEVER get bsod's or virus's for that matter, or at least haven't in over 10 years now.
Ive been using CCleaner for years now, and im not really sure if I should keep doing so.
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virus warnings popped up. I did not read them, ....... I did not take time to write the bsod error message down, or save the results of the virus scan.
I NEVER get bsod's or virus's for that matter, or at least haven't in over 10 years now.
I'm not sure how we can comment if you didn't note the messges. It could have been anything.
Which anti-virus are you using? (Not that it helps much now to know that).
Just because you have never had a virus in the past doesn't mean that you will never get one, I've never had a broken leg but ......
(And no anti-virus can protect you 100%).
As you have reinstalled Windows then it should have got rid of all traces of anything that you had been infected with.
If you are still worried then I suggest that you go to the Malwarebytes forum and get them to check over your computer, they will do it for free and you don't have to be actively infected they are happy just to check things for you.
As it's Christmas the service may not be as quick as usual.
Start here: <a href="https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/9573-im-infected-what-do-i-do-now/" ipsnoembed="true" rel="external nofollow">https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/9573-im-infected-what-do-i-do-now/</a>