Drive Wiped, Huge File Remains.


I recently wiped my hard drive using Ccleaners drive wipe utility, I left it running for over 10 hours but despite it saying it was 100% wiped (1 pass) it didn't show the completed pop-up.

I decided that it wasn't going to give me the happy news, so I closed the program.

This has left me with a 1.56TB file on my E drive which I can't remove despite being the administrator and giving myself all administrator rights on the E:.

I've used the 'TAKEOWN' command which worked fine but when I tried the ICACLS "e:\ " /reset /T command, the result was: success 0 files, failure 1 file.

I've tried a few tools from the web to attempt to take the file away but to no avail.

Please can anyone help me to get rid of this file thats filling up my hard drive.



Many Thanks


That's the wipe cache. Usually rebooting computer will delete the file. If not, run Unlocker.

Thanks for your response Kroozer, unfortunately Unlocker was one of the tools I'd tried.

Thanks anyway. :(

Can you explain about the E drive. Was this your system drive or an external drive?

Is the large file set as read only?

If it's an external drive

Have you tried Fileassassin?

The os is on my ssd ©, The E drive I use for everything else but it is built in to the pc.

And no, it's not read only, all attributes are unchecked.

I'll try fileassassin now and get back to you.

Thanks for your response.