Drive Specific Options

When using Defraggler on a system with more than one active hard drive filesystem, rather than everything in drive C:, it can make sense to use different Defrag & Quick Defrag options to suit usage of each filesystem. One global policy doesn't make sense, and it is hard to twiddle the options interactively and remember to undo them and mitigates against using scheduled defrags.

The suggestion would be to have Global options over ridden by Drive specific options, requiring a way to set these for each drive. This might provide better way to :

- Choose file size and extension to be moved to end of drive

- Set filesizes to be ignored by Quick Defrag

- Disable Defrag entirely for an SSD drive or SD card for example (wouldn't it be nice if my drive list seperated out the undefraggable drives to rather than solely going by drive letter)