Drive map doesn't update when I "Defrag Checked"

This is what i did:

1. I analyze one of my drives

2. Then I go to the "File list" tab

3. I check the box at the very top (to select all)

4. Then I press "Defrag Checked"

Everything was nicely defragged,

Drive tab says 0 Fragmented Files, 0 Total, 0%

Everything in the "File list" tab is in one fragment.

But the drive map is the same as after the first analysis.

I can even click the red blocks, and it shows fragmented files that were actually defragged.

If I reanalyze, the drive map updates as it should be.

(note: the drive map does show activity during defrag)

I was able to reproduce this twice with two of my drives.

I did not attached any screenshots because this is very easy to reproduce

but if you need them, just ask (or anything else I can help with ;)).

I am using Win XP SP3, and Defraggler 1.21

Edit: quick edit :)

I was able to reproduce this with Defraggler v2

Are you guys going to fix this in v1, v2?

+ 1

I can verify this exists in Defraggler 2 Beta under XP.

- Open Defraggler & click Analyze

- Click a red block of fragmented data

- Click select all & hit defrag

Drive map fails to update to reflect that the files have just been defragged.

In fact, you can select the same red data block over, & over, & over to be "defragged" & it still appears to be "fragmented" by the map, even though the defrag sessions now take nearly no time at all due to them already being defragged.

Re-Analyzing seems to update the map, but should this be necessary?

Definitely needs fixing, please.

Thanks, we'll have a look at this :)

Not fixed in v2.00.230 :( :(

I want to confirm this bug too (effectively not fixed in 2.00).

This is a regression lasting for near that one year now, probably starting from 1.16 or 1.17, I don't remember exactly.

Quite painful.


It's still not fixed in v2.01

Are you guys going to fix this bug?

Not all bugs are fixed easily. If the developers have said they are looking on it, they are. I understand wanting an update on the progress of a bug fix but please don't be rude toward the developers who are providing you their hard work for free.

Woah, dude, slow down.

I wasn't trying to be rude. :(

I just wanted to bump this topic because it disappeared.

Ok, I tried v2.02 and its still not fixed. :(

I did notice that empty blocks do update after a new file is placed on them.

The rest of the blocks don't change, as I reported previously.

But isn't Defraggler supposed to update the drive map as it defrags?

(You know, every block, individually, after Defraggler finishes working with it.)


Thank you for reporting the issue. It has been added to our development plans.

Best regards


It seems to be fixed in v2.03


I'll report anything else I find. :)