I love Defraggler, but could you add a drive health utility to it?
Perhaps it can show a percent next to the drive, indicating approximate health?
For example: 32%
Doesn't have to be exact, but I figured if it show this, then a user can have a better estimation of when to do a critical backup before they crash...
This way, a dying drive would be less likely to catch them off guard, & a user would be much more likely to backup a drive that is at 25% health, than one at 99%...
Maybe integrate a warning that let's a user know that, "Drive failure is imminent... Please backup drive soon!" (when drive drops below 25% health...)
A color indicator would be great!
Green -> excellent health (76 to 100%)
Yellow -> good health (51 to 75%)
Orange -> declining health (26 to 50%)
Red -> dying drive (0 to 25%).
+ me if you like this idea!
P.S. I posted the idea for Defraggler, because while there is Speccy, most people use Defraggler & CCleaner more often than they ever would Recuva or Speccy... What better way for people to know their drive health? Many times, they are caught off guard when their drive "mysteriously" dies.
This way, no-one will ever be caught off guard again, since most people do use Defraggler on a regular basis, & adding it to CCleaner would make no sense!