I am having trouble installing Speccy. After I click install nothing happen.
I have no problems downloading/installing Speccy here.
Could you tell us what Windows version you are using?, and which AntiVirus programme?
Also where you are downloading Speccy from?
I have total defense console. I downloaded trend micro since I read that might have been the problem. Windows 10
downloading it from here https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy/download/standard
I've attached the screen shot of the last screen I click on and nothingg happens from there
I suspect that your anti-virus may be blocking the install.
(PS. Trend Micro was/is an issue with CCleaner v5.65 not with Speccy , at least not a known issue with Speccy).
Are you saying that you now have 2 anti virus programmes running? You should not do that - they will clash and cause problems.
The rule is never to run more than one anti virus at once.
If you do have 2 running then I would decide which AV you want to use and disable or uninstall the other.
Then I would temporarily pause/disable the one you have decided to use and try installing Speccy again. (Don't forget to untick the chrome offer if it shows).
Once Speccy is installed then re-enable your chosen AV.
You may also want/need to make Speccy an exclusion in whichever AV you choose to use.
Thanks! It was my anti virus
Good to hear it's sorted.