For many, many years I've been clicking on Check for Updates at the bottom of my Free Slim and have always been taken to a page where I can go down to the bottom where it says "Builds" and I click on Slim.
Today when I do that I keep getting returned to the following page. I can't seem to download the FREE Slim version that I have been using, as I said, for many, many years.
When I click on that link, I am taken to the Builds page, but when I click on the Slim, I am taken, once again, to the page I mention (and show) in my original message above.
How can I get the Slim version, or is that no longer available?
Yes this worked on my Win7. I will try it on my other computers (Vista, WinXP).
I wonder why there was a problem when I tried to download the Slim as I have always been doring, for years and years. (Seems others have had the same problem also when trying to download the Slim version.)
I think it might have something to do with the browser. It appears the browser that was used with this CC on my Win7 opens in Chrome when I click on "Check for Update."
But on my Vista, when I open CC and click on "Checkfor Update." it opens in FF and the Slim downloads as it has always done.
How can I get the CC on all computers to open in FF?
I don't really think it's going to matter much because one you click past the big advert to upgrade or click no thanks which is a special page, and then finally click the Builds link it takes you to the same location.
for windows xp and in my case with ff 34 or 35...:
--> open firefox --> extras/tools (i dont know how is it in english...) --> settings --> tab "extended" --> subtab "general/common" --> the 3rd point "system settings" --> tick "at the startcheck ifFirefoxis the default browser." and click on the button directly below one time --> ok
or in windows settings:
--> start --> program access and defaults --> user defined --> click the double arrow on the right side of the window --> "choose a standard browser" --> Mozilla Firefox --> ok
ps: I've read thatyoulike tousetheGoogle Chrome browser.of course you can alwayssetthis browserasyourdefault browser.but thatmeans thatCCwilllook foran updateonGoogle Chromeagain...
as an alternativeyou cansimplyopenFFandgooglingpiriform,thencan youdownload theslimversionalso with ff. this would have theadvantage thatyou have yourdefault browserGoogle Chromedo not have tochange.