Downloading CCleaner

Can anyone give me any suggestions as to why I can not download CCleaner? I have turned off my McAfee Firewall and Norton Antivirus. I save it to My Documents File and when I go there, it is not there. I am new to forums so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

It could be your browser cache, simply use the built-in browser utility to remove your cache ("temporary internet files") and download again.

Download page:

It could be your browser cache, simply use the built-in browser utility to remove your cache ("temporary internet files") and download again.

Download page:

I did as you said but it still will not download. Any other suggestions?

Do you see it actually downloading? And then it disappears? That is very strange, to say the least.

Can you try an alternate download from or (note that these are the full downloads that contain the Yahoo toolbar; you may want to uncheck this during the install).

Hint: Get the Basic or Slim build, dont get the standard build.

Try save it on the desktop or on C:\ root directory.

You could also instead of tell your browser to save it, maybe its possible to tell it to "download and run".

Another download location that will allow you to download the clean installer that doesn't contain the Yahoo toolbar is from here.

Hint: Get the Basic or Slim build, dont get the standard build.

Try save it on the desktop or on C:\ root directory.

You could also instead of tell your browser to save it, maybe its possible to tell it to "download and run".

I've tried everything suggested and it still does not work. When I "download" the file, it shows that the download is complete but whenever I try to save it, it is not there. I've even just tried to run the file but nothing happens then. I'm about ready to give up but I read so many good things that I really wanted to try the product. If anybody has any other suggestions, I'd be more than glad to try them. Thanks for all our help.

What web-browser are you using?

I'd recommend using your search function to try and locate the download, search for: ccsetup*.exe

If the file is found in Search right click it and select Cut then close search and paste it into a folder where you keep downloaded software, a folder like C:\Setups

If it can't be located re-download again but this time save the download to the Desktop or a folder like C:\Downloads or whatever, just save it somewhere other than My Documents. If that still doesn't work perhaps running the setup from the web will work, perhaps.

You should also look at your anti-virus and anti-spyware software Real-Time Protection logs to see if your installed anti-virus is deleting the setup file since there have been many false positive detections in the past that state the setup file has a virus or trojan.

If you are attempting to download the standard build that contains the Yahoo toolbar I know that some antivirus products will detect that setup file as containing a trojan which is probably because of the toolbar.

Have you ever had such problems with other downloads? This is not normal - that you cannot obtain a file from different download sites. Something with your Windows seems to be broken.

Have you ever had such problems with other downloads? This is not normal - that you cannot obtain a file from different download sites. Something with your Windows seems to be broken.

Well I found out what the problem was. It was Windows Defender Beta. I uninstalled it and that solved my downloading problem. A big Thank You to all who replied.

It was Windows Defender Beta.

I figured it had to be some installed anti-virus or anti-spyware. I'm glad you were finally able to get the download to work!

I sent a PM to MrG to let him know that Windows Defender was blocking the CCleaner download.

That's strange I'm using Windows Defender on my development machine and it hasn't interferred with any downloads before.

The next release is going to be digitally signed so that may help the situation. But I'll run a few tests. :)

The next release is going to be digitally signed so that may help the situation. But I'll run a few tests. :)

You may want to upload all the finished setup files to because with the current v1.27 (standard build with the Yahoo toolbar) four anti-virus scanners detect the standard build as containing a trojan; Bitdefender, Kaspersky, NOD32, etc. I don't remember the fourth one.

Another download location that will allow you to download the clean installer that doesn't contain the Yahoo toolbar is from here.

I just joined this forum today and I see repeated comments about the Yahoo toolbar being part of the standard version download. Yet, I just downloaded that version today and simply un-selected the Yahoo toolbar at the screen that appears during installation to allow the user to specify certain features that will or will not be installed. It's just a matter of unchecking the box for Yahoo toolbar. So, what's all the fuss about!?

So, what's all the fuss about!?

Look through the forum and find the various threads about the toolbar, hint there is a search function on the forum and there's also a Google search for it that you could have did.

Look through the forum and find the various threads about the toolbar, hint there is a search function on the forum and there's also a Google search for it that you could have did.

... search function ..., Google search... What for? My point was that the toolbar can simply be un-selected during installation of CCleaner.

However, I now understand a key point that I was not sure of earlier today, which is that the only difference between the Basic version and the Standard version is the Yahoo toolbar. Seems strange to create two versions of the downloadable file when the only difference is the bundling of the toolbar and the user can easily elect not to install it when downloading the Standard version, but now I understand those are the facts.

... search function ..., Google search... What for? My point was that the toolbar can simply be un-selected during installation of CCleaner.

The searches I eluded to were because the toolbar has been dicussed to death, therefore why should I re-answer the same old s**t that has already been given a proper response, etc.

There have been countless new people that seem to have only became a forum member to either discuss about the toolbar or to stir the pot. Yeah it can be un-selected however, if you follow that Google search you'll see references about the toolbar that are not only on the CCleaner forums but all over the place on different sites.

I'm just so damned sick and tired of the toolbar discussion!

I'm just so damned sick and tired of the toolbar discussion!

Most forum softwares have the ability to ban certain words; perhaps we can have the word "t...b.." banned? :P

Perhaps, and I know I'm not the only one sick of the toolbar discussion.