Download seems OK but Icon will not call up program

I have downloaded the cc program several times from several locations and had the program install Ok but the Icon on the screen nor the program in the Start menu will run. When I click on the icon I get a message telling me that there is no program attached to the Icon.

I then go back to the CP and sure enough the program is there and is listed as being installed. I removed the programs from the CP each time and still get the same results. I went back and removed all of the software that removes malicious programe and then tried to reload but the the results were the same.

After several attempts to correct the problem ovre the last several months I hav all but given up. CCleaner is a great program and is as good as it gets. I just feel that all of the paths to its use are blocked for some reason. Anybody know what gives?

Windows 7 64bit program. Any help is appreciated.

Gil Rogers

have you tried the slim-build?

I tried the new slim program build. I followed a strict procedure of cleaning all of the older installation from my computer and doing a restart to make sure windows did not carry over some trash from the previous install.

Well... I installed the slim version provided. I even went through a restart to embed the new install. The Icon was there on my machine, but it had been installed in a new position on the screen. I clicked on the screen icon and low and behold the computer greeted me with the same massage as before: "Windows cannot find 'C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe make sure that you typed the name correctly and then type again."

At this point I went to my program files and went into where the program files should have been located. There in the program files were two .exe programs. They were CCleaner64.exe and CCleaner.exe.

I clicked on CCleaner64.exe and got the same message that I got clicking on the screen icon. However when I clicked on the CCleaner.exe program, the program ran as it was supposed to. I tried several things and finally decided that I can use the program, without using the icon, by going to the program files and activating the CCleaner.exe by clicking on it.

It is a pain in the a.. but so be it. It works with the slim install. I just will not use it as often as I did previously. Free is not always free from hassle. My take on the subject is there is someone out there working to sabotage the programs successful run.

A great quote from one of the greatest philosophers of out time, with the exception of The Rolling Stones, is Willie Nelson's quote. He said that if you build a better cabin than anybody else, people will beat a path even through the woods to visit and see it.

Thanks for you previous help.

Gil Rogers

If you right-click on the Ccleaner.exe in your program files you can select ... send to..Desktop (create shortcut)

Change the destination of the shortcut to be this (including the quote marks)

"C:\Program Files\ccleaner\ccleaner.exe"

Quotes are important as is the removal of the 64 (the latter not really important but sometimes helps)