Download question

I have CClean on my desk top computer and likek it. I attempted to download CClean on my wife's lap top and I am having problems. I can't tell if it is activated. I do not find the Icon like the one I have on my desk top and I can't find CClean in the "All Programs" section. I paid for CClean through Pay Pal. Do I need to pay again to add my wife's computer?

How can I solve the activation problem?

I hate to break the news to you but Piriform software doesn't charge money for their software it's entirely free to download and use.

If this was an Ebay purchase I would suggest to file a complaint to Ebay and get this user suspended from the site.

As for the software problem no idea but since it's on your computer just open "My Computer", "Local Disk C:", "Program Files", "Ccleaner" and copy ccleaner.exe to a flash drive or how you prefer to copy it to your wife's computer.

Richard S.

You could also download it from here. :)

I use the slim build at the bottom.

You could also download it from here. :)

I use the slim build at the bottom.

I'm trying to download ccleaner but the page I get directed to is full of error messages that start with "Error parsing XSLT file...". Any idea what's going on?

What operating system are you using?

Which browser are you trying to download with? Can you try a different browser?

Are all your malware/virus programs up to date and the scans are clean?

MacPadana: Try -->

That is the same link as Jamin4u posted in post number 3.

That is the same link as Jamin4u posted in post number 3.

No, Jamin4u said .

I'm trying to download ccleaner but the page I get directed to is full of error messages that start with "Error parsing XSLT file...". Any idea what's going on?

There are other options to download, alternately with the parsing error.