[DOWNLOAD LINK BROKEN] CCleaner v5.43.6520 Portable


Goes to this page without creating a download:


The portable link is missing from the builds page as well.


EDIT: It appears Defraggler has similar breakage as well, the portable build is listed but redirects to the home page. <a href="https://www.ccleaner.com/defraggler/builds" rel="external nofollow">https://www.ccleaner.com/defraggler/builds</a>

We've asked the admin team about this, hopefully they'll get this fixed soon. I also rely on the portable build so same boat.

don't these questions regarding links on the Builds page, especially for the Portable build, crop up every time a new version is released? (certainly feels that way)

It's usually that the download just fails to work, but this time Portable isn't even available it's just the Standard build which is visibly available.

confirmed ccleaner portable fails to download and is missing from "builds" page as a description...

OTOH, Defragler portable is still listed on it's builds page and does download (locally) fine.

Have TPTB decided CC portable is not revenue potential and they simply pulled it??

I hope not

Portable isn't even mentioned in the hash links for 5.43 :(

..and yet PortableApps has already managed to release a portable version :(
