This is the first time I've used a product like this.
CCleaner came recommended at a Mozilla forum when I was complaining about how slow my computer has become.
Since it was recommended by one of their techie administrators I'll assume that he knows what he's talking about.
It's the first time I've worked with the Registry in ten years of computer use. I know that Bad Things can happen when you start changing the Registry and I don't want to mess up my computer. So I'm very hesitant to do anything.
After the analysis there were file extensions listed I've never seen before in my very low-tech computer world but since they also involved important files I can't afford to lose, I didn't "fix" them.
Is there a place where I can get no-brainer answers to questions about what each of these extensions do?
Example: Over fifty entries in the analysis for " lnk " I figured out it means "link" but the explanations I found online were in Smart About Computers and I only speak Mainly Stupid About Computers.
.ink file extensions are associated with corel draw and other draw and imaging programs, and contain information relative to color. I would backup my images/pictures before deleting them.
Just to add to the advice above, make sure you have CCleaner configured in Options/Advanced to give you the prompt to backup the registry.
This would make a copy of the registry entries you remove, and that backup is easily merged back in if you encounter a problem. Just make sure you remember where you save it/them.
.ink file extensions are associated with corel draw and other draw and imaging programs, and contain information relative to color. I would backup my images/pictures before deleting them.
I think lyle was referring to the .Lnk file extension which is basically a link to a file (Windows Shortcut File).