And that's just 1 fan running. Imagine all 4 going full-tilt!
And that's just 1 fan running. Imagine all 4 going full-tilt!
Darn, where'd those heat sinks run off to.
Reminds me of my computer
Edit: I have an Antec 902v2 if anyone's interested. 2 front fans, a side intake (no fan, though I could put one if I wanted, I guess) a rear fan and a giant top outtake. I also added a PCI fan to it that I got from a friend.
Loads o' fans.
I am disappointed that the trolley did not lurch down the corridor
I am disappointed that the trolley did not lurch down the corridor
Perhaps with all four fans it may!
With all four fans going they should be able to make a cold air balloon, as opposed to a hot air balloon.
Hello Everyone, I stumbled upon this and just had to share an incident of years ago remembering an earlier post by Hazel. I have a heating issue with my CPU temps and got a small internal fan installed with a small external fan blowing into the intake grill. My Father, an engineer was a brilliant person. When I was young a/c was unheard of so he built a whole house fan in the attic. The blades on this thing would fit a C130 Hercules. Dad drew up diagrams of the house and specific instructions to follow concerning what windows and doors were to be left open and closed to follow explicity to cool the entire two story house. Well, one day my Mother failed to follow one step in the procedure and in doing so literally lifted the linoleum up off the kitchen floor. That's how powerful this rig was. You don't want to hear the exchange when Dad got home that day. Just my two cents on this post. Have a good one all.
Hello Everyone, I stumbled upon this and just had to share an incident of years ago remembering an earlier post by Hazel. I have a heating issue with my CPU temps and got a small internal fan installed with a small external fan blowing into the intake grill. My Father, an engineer was a brilliant person. When I was young a/c was unheard of so he built a whole house fan in the attic. The blades on this thing would fit a C130 Hercules. Dad drew up diagrams of the house and specific instructions to follow concerning what windows and doors were to be left open and closed to follow explicity to cool the entire two story house. Well, one day my Mother failed to follow one step in the procedure and in doing so literally lifted the linoleum up off the kitchen floor. That's how powerful this rig was. You don't want to hear the exchange when Dad got home that day. Just my two cents on this post. Have a good one all.
Wonderful story Warlock, sounds amusing in hindsight, though I am sure there weren't many laughs being had (at least at first)
Warlock, that is funny. I can just see a desktop case slowly imploding because someone forgot to leave the intake vent open or something.
I can see that happening here.
Dad drew up diagrams of the house and specific instructions to follow concerning what windows and doors were to be left open and closed to follow explicity to cool the entire two story house.
That sounds like the best fan ever!!!
Warlock your Dad was obviously a very interesting guy
yeah. i hate my powerbox's fan. it sounds like ... well a "cat'
Hi Everyone,
Was in the neighborhood and thought I would say hello. I'm glad my good friends enjoyed my family album entry or perhaps I should label that one as a war tale. I've accumulated a lot of experiences in my lifetime and I'll be glad to share some more from time to time just to lighten things up and get your minds off that tech stuff. LOL Take care and hope everybody has a good weekend. Looks like some snow on the way for us. Ugh!
"linoleum?" You really ARE dating yourself. But that's OK. The house I grew up in also had a linoleum kitchen floor, so we're probably about the same age.
My parents did us proud.
We had lino on the bedroom floors as well.
Helpful hint - as an economic underlay use 3 layers of newspapers under the lino,
then when it develops holes and trips you up and you wish to replace it you will not find it welded to the floor,
and as a bonus you again get to read the news that you forgot 10 years earlier.
and as a bonus you again get to read the news that you forgot 10 years earlier.
I enjoy your humour in posts, they always give me a good laugh.
This makes me think of all the great times I'd make my RC car burnout - on the linoleum floor.
. . .Helpful hint - as an economic underlay use 3 layers of newspapers under the lino . . .
Good tip. Never heard it before.
I've accumulated a lot of experiences in my lifetime and I'll be glad to share some more from time to time just to lighten things up and get your minds off that tech stuff.
Hi Warlock. I'm sure many of the members here would enjoy more good stories from you, I know I would. BTW, Great fan story!