Or does it only shred content in the Recycle Bin which is about to be deleted? How would I go about using the secure deletion, multi pass features on deleted content from my C Drive?
Are the 'Secure Deletion' and 'Wipe Free Space drives' settings found in Options > Settings for the last check box option found in 'Cleaner', 'Windows' tab, under 'Advanced'?
Also, are any of the secure deletion methods good enough to avoid the Porn Detection Stick from finding deleted pornography from my hard drive (which I do have *shock*)?
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Or does it only shred content in the Recycle Bin which is about to be deleted? How would I go about using the secure deletion, multi pass features on deleted content from my C Drive?
Are the 'Secure Deletion' and 'Wipe Free Space drives' settings found in Options > Settings for the last check box option found in 'Cleaner', 'Windows' tab, under 'Advanced'?
Also, are any of the secure deletion methods good enough to avoid the Porn Detection Stick from finding deleted pornography from my hard drive (which I do have *shock*)?
Running the option via the recycle bin does exactly the same as running ccleaner "Run CCleaner" via the UI(User Interface).
If you want secure deletion enable go to options - settings - and set it to one over write (Do not bother or waste your time using more. There is no recorded evidence of one true over write ever being recovered by forensic experts. Though still people will insist on using 35 passes *Sigh* ).
If you are very concerned about people finding porn that has been deleted. Go to CCleaner - Windows Tab - Advanced - and right click WFS and click clean (the default is 1 over write by default and can not be changed).
Do not check this as it is pointless running it every cleaner.
I have no idea about the porn stick or have any intention of looking it up.
Just in future browse in private browsing mode in firefox. No cache will be saved so no saved images that you don't know about.