When I run defraggler, it does not show the hard drives that I have. It shows a blank screen
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Please use JPEG or PNG.
What operating system are you using? Any special theme that you are using?
Has this just started happening or is it your first time using Defraggler?
(Welcome to the forum )
Thanks for the warm welcome. I appreciate your taking time from your busy day to try to solve my problem.
This just started to happen. I think I got a virus infection. I used AVG and Avira AntiVir to remove it.
Ever since that time, it seems to be doing this to me. Nothing I do - uninstall, re-install - seems to make a difference.
The only time I've seen Defraggler show no hard drives if you run in Windows 95/98 compatibility mode although in your case I suspect it's something else.
It could be a registry problem it's hard to tell however if you have System Restore enabled I would suggest you try rolling back to a date before your virus infection and see if that helps.
If you still have no joy the run "Defraggler /debug" and post the debug results here.
Richard S.
Hi Luv2trade, a welcome from me also.
Are the two programs you mention above, both AntiVirus programs? If so, you really should have only one active and running at a time as they'll conflict with each other.
And following on from your mention of a virus infection, to be safe and absolutely sure your PC isn't still infected, I would follow the advice given here, and then post the logs into the Spyware Hell section of the forum, where they'll be looked over by an expert.