Does IE "Temp Internet Files" remove ALL temp Internet files

I only use Internet Explorer to update Windows. A year or so ago I told CC to clean "Internet Explorer - Temporary Internet Files". I soon discovered it also removed temporary internet files in my other browsers. The other browsers were not checked for cleaning under "Applications". I never clean more than one area at a time. I always verify other areas are unchecked before cleaning anything.

Does CC consider "Internet Explorer - Temporary Internet Files" to mean ALL temporary Internet files?

Right now, CC says I have 2667 Temporary Internet Files under the Internet Explorer option. I don't want to remove them IF temporary files in the other Browsers will be removed.

Thanks - David

It only looks at internet explorer and (if they are truly unchecked on applications tab) does not touch other browsers.

Are you using the Easy Clean or the Custom Clean?

Easy Clean uses it's own set of cleaning rules and does not use what you have checked/unchecked for Custom Clean.

To ensure that your checks/unchecks are respected then you have to use Custom Clean.

(If you are using Easy Clean then after an analyze you can 'Review trackers' to see what it has found for each browser and untick any that you don't want cleaned.

But a WARNING, this setting in Easy Clean is a one-time thing, it is not remembered and has to be done again each time you use EC).

Thanks Nergal and nukecad,

I use Custom Clean. I looked at Easy Clean but it looked like it would not give ME the control I wanted. I went ahead and cleaned out my Internet Explorer temporary files. It looks like it only removed the temporary files from my Internet Explorer browser, which is what I wanted.
