Does Health Check avoid the "Cookies to Keep" list?


Due to the minimalist style of Health Check and the lot of doubts using that tool, my question is: Does Health Check avoid the "Cookies to Keep" list? or it delete all cookies?

It would be nice if the user interfaces of Health Check can contain more information and/or setting options, so we will be able to understand better what that tool is doing.


Health Check does not use any of the cleaning options such as cookies to keep, ticks/unticks or Includes/Excludes. It always uses it's own cleaning rules.

It's a simple to use basic clean meant for those who can't be bothered, or don't know how, to set up the any customisation. And who aren't realy bothered about the details of what it cleans. (That's why the language it uses can seem a bit simple or even patronising).

There are a few things you can do after the analyze step, but not very much.

Cookies to keep, ticks/unticks and Includes/Excludes are for Custom Clean, which as the name says can be customised to clean/not clean things as you prefer.

Custom Clean shows you more details of what it has analyzed and/or cleaned. You can even set the level of detail that it shows you.

If you could customise Health Check in the same way then it would be no different from Custom Clean, so there would be little point in having both.

(Some of us have even argued that Health Check should be a seperate app to avoid any confusion, but we don't have much say in those kinds of decision).