I often have errors related to a malfunctioning RUNDLL32.exe.
Does CCleaner repair these errors?
Or maybe which other programme can do it?
Would be grateful for help. Thank you.
Ernst W.
I often have errors related to a malfunctioning RUNDLL32.exe.
Does CCleaner repair these errors?
Or maybe which other programme can do it?
Would be grateful for help. Thank you.
Ernst W.
It would be a good idea for you post a bit more information so users can try to give you advice.
Are you XP or Vista?
When do you get the error message?
What does it say?
Do you have any other problems?
This may help you
That's good info.
Also anyone using Win9x may have the file amongst a host of other just go kaput.
The file can be extracted from the Windows setup disc:
* Microsoft's Win9x/Me Instructions
* Windows 2K/XP (this can also be done in Dial-a-fix), this will require the Windows setup disc.
That's good info.
Also anyone using Win9x may have the file amongst a host of other just go kaput.
The file can be extracted from the Windows setup disc:
* Microsoft's Win9x/Me Instructions
* Windows 2K/XP (this can also be done in Dial-a-fix), this will require the Windows setup disc.
thank you all for your answers.
I've got XP. The error message (The German version of "rundll32.exe has found a problem and must be ended") often occurs just before an installation is about to complete, or, just now, as I was trying to turn a picture by 90? in Windows Picture Viewer.
The error message also occurred when I tried to install XP SP2.
I only have a Product Recovery Disc. Do I find "rundll32.exe" there, too? - If not, I'll try the dial-a-fix programme.
Thank you once again
Ernst W.