Does ccleaner really get the cookies out?

Just wondering if CC actually gets out all the cookies?

Reason I'm asking is b/c even after running CC the cookie button in FF and IE are not greyed out, so im thinking I better click "clear" to get rid of them, since CC didn't...or am i wrong assuming that it doesn't do its job...thanks.

I don't use FF but I'm confident that (unless you have bugs) IE6 cookies are cleaned, except those you selected to be saved in the Options > Cookies tab.

As far as I know, an option is greyed out simply because it's not selected. CCleaner doesn't know if there are files to delete until you run at least the Analyze function.

If in doubt, go to C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Cookies before and after running CCleaner. (This path is for IE6, I don't know which folder FF uses.) To see this folder, you have to set Folder Options > View > Advanced > Files and folders > Hidden files and folders: Show hidden files and folders.

well i went to the folder, ran cc, and the index.dat file was still there...hmmm

Did you notice in CCleaner that it says the file is "Marked for deletion"? That means when you reboot the file gets deleted, and Windows then recreates it at default size.

did it again, it deleted 2 cookies, but .dat file is still there, so i'm assuming that's normal.

Tarun, no i didn't see that, where would i see it?

Index.dat files don't go away permanently. When they are emptied or deleted, they start over and accumulate data again.

Don't worry that a file size is reported for the index.dat. There is a minimum file size even when empty (I think Cookies in IE6 is 48 KB).