Does CCleaner erase my important registry necessary files

Hi there

i am have been using CCleaner for a 3 months.Once it had erased my important registry files.i was using an other pc tune up utulity(Asahmpoo Winoptimizer Platinum 4).how often do i chech my registry with cleaner.if someone replies me .I will be greatfull.

Deleted by Disk4mat

Thank you for your reply.You say i do not need to afraid when i am using CCleaner.

Deleted by Disk4mat

Disk, I like your new Signature :)

will CCleaner work on Mojave? Cause I'm thinking of upgrading to it :P


My best practice recommendations for reg in CCleaner (other than my signature below) are as follows

1) Do each Item in the Left column Checkmark by checkmark.

2) On each item first remove (and optionally create a backup) for everything you KNOW the computer doesn't have anymore (e.g. you uninstalled spybot and the regcleaner finds some keys for spybot those are safe to get rid of)

3)On each item remove (and REQUIRE BACKUP) anything that you're pretty sure you don't need (for instance MS web folders though I still haven't been ballsy enough to drop that reg entry even though I know I turned of web folders)

Finally I would stress that every reg backup you make you change the default name to an easily remembered name (e.g. spybot_100308.reg)

Welcome to the community

and remember (as long as you take the necessary precautions) CCleaner will be your best friend in the world of reg cleaning (and crap cleaning), i've been using it for years on multiple computers (portably) and have never had any reg cleaning problems