I'm using CCleaner 5.44.6577 and the last time I used it and let CC clean my system, I had so many new issues on my system (applications not working or working super weird) I had to run a system restore using my latest Acronis backup (I run daily incremental updates). After the restore, the system performed as I expected. Several years ago I had similar issues with CCleaner. It seems that CC is cleaning too much and now I'm really reluctant to use it.
Are you using the registry tool? Or just regular cleaning. What version of windows? What checkmarks have you added to the defaults in the cleaner tool? Are you using a winapp2 file or using any ccleaner enhancing software? Which applications were effected?
I had a similar issue with 5.44.6575. I'm not running any other cleaning software.
I often run the registry cleaner but rarely run the application cleaner. A few days ago I did run the app cleaner; my settings included clearing Windows Explorer jump lists. (See image below; no Advanced cleaning was chosen.)
After the clean, desktop icons were black boxes instead of icons, and icons in the Windows 10 Start Menu were blank (although they were the correct color). Some repaired after a reboot. The remaining ones were repaired after a second reboot.
The bigger problem was that a tray icon run by Lenovo Vantage showing battery level disappeared. I could get it back by opening Lenovo Vantage and turning off then on the switch to show the icon, but this would only persist during the current session. On reboot the icon disappeared again.
The only solution was to uninstall and reinstall the application, which also involved removing and reinstalling a system driver; quite a pain.
These issues appear to be solved, but I am concerned there may be other issues under the hood I am not aware of yet.
You could have the Disk Cleanup app that's built into Windows delete the Thumbnail cache, and then reboot. Upon startup it may take it a minute or so to refresh.
Andavari -- that might help with the Start Menu icons, which as I explained were repaired after rebooting twice. It doesn't address the bigger issue, which is the battery meter failing to load, requiring me to reinstall. The bigger question is why is CCleaner destroying these functions?
I don't know, although newer versions released this year have been very buggy -- which is why some people are using the older version 5.40. Personally I'm using 5.32.
Good to know, thanks. Good thing I keep the older versions...including 5.3.2!