does anyone know if you can add an entire folder to the winapp2.ini cleaning list?


i was reading up on how to add files to the winapp2.ini file so that ccleaner will find/clean them does anyone knew if i can add an entire folder to winapp2.ini because at the moment i only know how to add individual files to the cleaning list and i would really like to delete certain folders as well. can anyone help me with this?

You could try the workaround posted by Augeas a while back. Might just do what you want.;#entry124249

Thank you but i have actually already figured out how to clear the whole folder (I learn fast) that is done by adding a \*.*|REMOVESELF at the end of the path.

however I now have another similar question is it possible to get ccleaner to detect a specific folder instead of a file or a registry key? for example in winapp2.ini you can right either write DetectFile=[Path and file] to detect a program by the presence of a file or Detect=[Registry key] to detect a program by the presence of a Registry key would it be possible to replace that with something like Detect=Folder and then have the folder path? i am sorry if i explained what i want to do poorly if anyone doesn't understand or has any questions on what i am trying to do please ask me.

Oh and while i am at it i have one more question how does one add something under the Firefox Category in CCleaner (by using winapps2.ini) since i have some plugins for Firefox that store information that i would like to be able to clean and i would like them to show up under the Firefox category if possible. the page on Piriform docs only tells me had to add things to one of these category's:

* 3021 = Applications

* 3022 = Internet

* 3023 = Multimedia

* 3024 = Utilities

* 3025 = Windows

while i am not sure but i think that if the order that these display in ccleaner has anything to do with the numbers i would guess that it would be something like 3020 = Firefox but as i said i am not sure.

oh and by the way thank you again for the help.

i would really like to delete certain folders as well. can anyone help me with this?

The whole point of the workaround Augeas posted, is to not only delete the contents of a folder, but the folder itself.

Isn't that what you asked for?

The whole point of the workaround Augeas posted, is to not only delete the contents of a folder, but the folder itself.

Isn't that what you asked for?

Yes and No. the work around Augeas posted it answered my first question on how do I delete not only delete the contents of a folder, but the folder itself. However I had already figured that out before your post. So I when I posted my last post I thanked you and asked you two other questions .

Question 1 (partially answered): how do I tell CCleaner to Search for folders instead of files or registry keys? This was partially answered in Augeas post and it was my mistake for not missing it on my first read through.

I now have a new question is there any way that I can do this by adding the folder path to winapps2.ini

I know that I can add file paths to the search under CCleaner and have it save it to the settings.ini file. But I like to know how to do this through the winapps2.ini as a matter of wishing to program it better. I tried to copy the appropriate line from Settings.ini to winapps2.ini but that didn?t work for me.

Question 2 (answered): Was how do you add something under the Firefox Category in CCleaner (by using winapps2.ini). All I was asking for was Firefox?s Id since I have some plugins for Firefox that store information and I would like them to show up under the Firefox category if possible. The page on Piriform docs only tells me had to add things to one of these categories:

* 3021 = Applications

* 3022 = Internet

* 3023 = Multimedia

* 3024 = Utilities

* 3025 = Windows

it turns out that I was wrong about Firefox category = 3020 (in the LangSecRef under winapps2.ini)

I after a little bit of work I figured out that the Firefox category Id = 3026 as well as a few others that were not listed on Piriform Doc and should probably be included. They are as follows

*3026 = Firefox

*3027 = Opera

*3028 = Safari

Everything else above 3028 and below 3021 seems to be undefined and it will create a new category unless i missed some if you do know any more please tell me i am making my own reference list. OH and don't forget i still have one question I would like answered
