Does anyone here have an A+?

Please only respond if you have an A+ (the computer degree) or are quite knowlegable about the topic.

Firstly, would you consider it difficult to get an A+ degree.

Secondly, do you take a test or talk with someone to get it.

Thirdly, if you have any interesting info on it, I'd like to hear it. My friend is going to get his soon, and I'm going to consider joining him. So any info you could give now would be most appreciated.

Well... you end up taking two tests (within 90 days of each other). One is more general, and the other a tad more specific. The biggest thing I've noticed about this field is that it's not really the certification that helps, just the experience you have. The A+ certification helps you get your foot in the door, and I certainly wouldn't expect anyone to be able to do any sort of hardware job well if they couldn't run through the exams.

If you're interested in it, I'd first join some hardware-biased forums (OC Forums, GTG, others), and look to your local university for some exam prep books.

Please only respond if you have an A+ (the computer degree) or are quite knowlegable about the topic.

Firstly, would you consider it difficult to get an A+ degree.

Secondly, do you take a test or talk with someone to get it.

Thirdly, if you have any interesting info on it, I'd like to hear it. My friend is going to get his soon, and I'm going to consider joining him. So any info you could give now would be most appreciated.[/url]

Good Luck w/ the test! They change the test often! It's not the same test that I took back in 04/03.

1. Not too difficult, most of it is common sense. Be careful with the graphics (Pictures of a port or something) They suck! People have FAILED because of the poor pics used.

2. You can take the test at a certified Comptia Testing Center.

There are tech schools that can prepare you for these exams. I went to one for a yr. I really didn't need it to pass the exam. I already possessed the knowledge needed.

3. A+ is the first of many exams that you can get. HOWEVER, these certs DON'T REPLACE a DEGREE! That is the mistake I made. Now, I'm suffering for it. I could make so much more $$$$$$$$$$$ I have so much experience over 15 years but no degree. In my younger life I was too lazy to go to college and get it done. Now, that I'm much older it's been a bear for me to returned to school to even get an Associates Degree! There isn't a day goes by that I don't kick myself for making a really stupid move like that.

Thanks a ton you guys, I really appreciate it!

(Speacial thanks to the people of CCcleaner forums- you're ALL such great helps!)

Hi Guys,

I hope you don`t mind me joining in here.

I`m new to the forum, and I`ve only been into computing for a relatively short time. However I`ve picked up quite a bit of knowledge in that short time, especially from places like this.

In fact, this is the only forum I do spend any time in now. Has a good feel to it.

I realise of course that the "quite a bit" of knowledge I have picked up is a long, long way short of being really knowledgable. I would seriously like to do some proper studying, even so far as going for a degree, although gaining the hands-on Knowhow would be more important than the qualification. But the two probably go hand in hand.

I have plenty of time on my hands, and I`m wondering what sort of timescale is involved in reaching something like degree standard.

I don`t think I`m too old for an endeavour like this. I`m 56 on the 12th of this month, (you can send a happy birthday eCard if you like, but don`t bake a cake), medically retired, but mentally active.

Would appreciate any comments, (as long as there`s no oldie jokes.:lol: Well, one or two would be OK).


I`m 56 on the 12th of this month, (you can send a happy birthday eCard if you like, but don`t bake a cake), medically retired, but mentally active.

52 on the 12th,medically retired and most of the time mentally active here as well. :)

Never done any computer courses and any and all things I have learnt are from help and security forums and tips and tricks sites.

Heaps more to learn though and there is something new everyday.

Great feeling when you can impart a bit of knowledge that helps someone fix a prob.

One thing I do is when I see a good tip or fix I C+P to a help tips folder that I save in my documemts for future reference.

34 and not retiring for another 21 years...............

i got my first computer 24 years ago, took a hiatus till about 5 years ago, and only started really looking into things the last year or so. ive come leaps and bounds from a few years ago, but there is so much to learn and everything keeps changing. but im having a blast.

you are right though, this is a great forum. everyone will help you out, and the mods are really friendly. also there is tons of good information without being overly technical, and its not so big as to make the forum unnavigitable (is that a word?).

anyhoo, welcome to the forum, pull up a chair and join in the conversation. :)

Thanks for the thoughts guys.

1984, you got your first computer 24 years ago. The nearest thing to a computer that came into my house round about that time was a Sinclair ZX Spectrum for my son who was about 7 at the time.

We really went crazy and bought the "massive" 48K version. 48K, wow. But even with that tiddly bit of memory the programers eventually started putting some amazing little games out.

In fact, in a dark corner somewhere upstairs, I still have the complete set of 20 "My Spectrum" magazines in immaculate condition. After issue 20 the mag changed its name to "My Sinclair". Have I think the first 18 of those as well, also in immaculate condition.

What I do regret though, is binning the famous rubber keyboard after we changed it for a normal sized one.

I think these things are worth their weight in gold now. Magazines might be worth something now. No idea.

After that, we progressed on to the groundbreaking Amiga 500. At the time the games on this were amazing.

Looking at them now compared to todays stuff, is like comparing Skype with 2 cans connected with a piece of string.

How times change. What on earth will we have in 20 years from now ?

Maybe instead of talking to my son on Skype, I might be able to beam myself right into his front room.

Believe it guys. A lot of the science fiction I used to read is now science fact.


we had the commodore vic 20. the old ones with tape drives. we actually had classes in school for it-grade 5. i sure wish i had kept up as the years went on.............