Documentation site

Hello all,

This is my first post here so I'd like to introduce myself first and then get to the issue. My name is Keith and I am a computer enthusiast. I love computers. I work in the IT Dept for the Department of Education in South Carolina and I also repair computers in my off time. I must say, Piriform, you have created 3 solid products, 2 of which help me almost daily. Defraggler and CCleaner. I use both the portable versions and the install versions. I love them, please keep up the great work.

Now to the issue.

Was reading up on the documentation site and came across a misspelling. I guess you guys did a copy/paste on some of the documentation which is fine, just trying to help you all out :P It's located here:

Running Defraggler in debug mode

If you need to log Recuva's environment and activities for troubleshooting, you can run the software in debug mode.

Thanks and I can't wait to see your continued improvements!


Thank you for finding the correction needed. It's been reported to the Piriform owner.

Thank you for finding the correction needed. It's been reported to the Piriform owner.

Not a problem at all. I didn't even know this documentation existed yet. I stumbled across it through Google. But I love it. I've already learned more about Defraggler in 20 minutes than I have since using it. Next up is reading the CCleaner documentation. Let me know if I can help in any other way! Thanks again for your FREE software.