Documentation of new features 2.28 ?

Haven't had much time to look but there are two new features which need documentation explanation

new cmd line

/registry (everyone knows I feel this is a B A D idea) can we get a major warning on this and also something to say it's not piriform's fault if you use this

custom location: how does this work I don't see any thing new in the GUI for this feature

Thanks again for a kick butt program Mr. T and all other devs :)

Actually, /Registry only opens CCleaner in the Registry part.

Actually, /Registry only opens CCleaner in the Registry part.

I must admit I shared Nergal's concerns when I saw the reg cmd line option; then I saw the other options and figured it had to be just to configure how CCleaner opens ;)

Rather an odd thing to have as a command line parameter though!

Actually, /Registry only opens CCleaner in the Registry part.



well thus the crux of m'topic need for document and what not ;)