Do I need to uninstall old version of CCleaner?

I received the same Critical Error that other members here have posted. To wit:

Critical Error

A critical error has occured in CCleaner, the application must now close.

Error Description:

The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access

CCleaner v2.05.555

[blah, blah, blah]

Application: Run

So I'll follow the suggestion that I've read in the other posts and update to the most recent version. Is there any need to uninstall v. 2.05 first or can I just download and install v. 2.08 "overtop" of my current version?

I received the same Critical Error that other members here have posted. To wit:

Critical Error

A critical error has occured in CCleaner, the application must now close.

Error Description:

The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access

CCleaner v2.05.555

[blah, blah, blah]

Application: Run

So I'll follow the suggestion that I've read in the other posts and update to the most recent version. Is there any need to uninstall v. 2.05 first or can I just download and install v. 2.08 "overtop" of my current version?

Hello Relztrah,

Yes,that is the normal way."Overtop".

Don't forget to reboot.Sometimes "first timers" need to do this because new MS software has been installed.

Good luck,

P.S. Use the default options as they come with the program for awhile.Use the Cleaner and Options only until you do a little more reading of the forum.You might want to uncheck "cookies" until you set your "cookies to keep" in Options > Cookies.

Save this link and use it often.

:) davey