just overhauled 7 year old pc to 2015 standards. got CC but do i need this program?
'need' is very subjective and obviously is different for each user and each PC.
But taking the holistic approach, "Do you need CC" - I would say No.
I think a better question would be, "Will my PC be better off with routine maintenance?" - Yes.
These days most professional AV security suites have some sort of included maintenance process, but I'm yet to see anything that is as complete or customisable as CC.
i mean no.
the windows build in defragmentation should be enough.
but defraggler have a few features that windows not have. I also think Defraggler works faster
for example -quick defrag; -the graphical representation; ...
I think @mtamisread the original post, as did I initially yesterday.
@Sjaeger50 is asking if defraggler is necessary.
"7 year old pc to 2015 standards" means nothing. What OS are you running. I for one leave defragging to the OS on Windows 7 and up. For some that's not enough. They need that imperceivable nanosecond of faster disc access
got CC but do i need this program?
Whoops, I completely missed the thread we are in and only replied based on the question, which now I re-read it could be taken to either mean CC or DF.
Either way, I'll still stand by my answer; NEED? - no, BETTER OFF WITH IT? - yes.
here are my specs:
manufacturer: HP
model: compaq presario f700
processor: AMD turion 64x2
Memory: 2.0gb
32 bit
Uh, none of that is os version
one way
Start -> Control Panel (or what is in english)-> System
somewhere there is your operating system
for ex: Windows XP Home Edition; Windows Vista Business, Windows 7 Professional ... or so