Do extensions in firefox slow down web browsing?

I have about 20 of them, love them all, and was curious as to if they are slowing down the loading and browsing of web pages. any thoughts?

I have about 20 of them, love them all, and was curious as to if they are slowing down the loading and browsing of web pages. any thoughts?

It depends on which ones your using. Some can make firefox bog down and even crash.

I have about 20 of them, love them all, and was curious as to if they are slowing down the loading and browsing of web pages. any thoughts?

Personally I would say that generally they don't, though there are some that can cause slowdown as rridgely says. BTW I have 24 and have no problems (I have tried slimming them down but they're just too damn useful :rolleyes: )