dll has not been registered error

I get this error - Wireless Configuration Error dll has not been registered and program will not work properly. I downloaded the current version of CCleaner thinking this would help with this registry error. Please let me know if I'm mistaken on how to fix this, I'm not an expert in IT troubleshooting but would appreciate any help. If I click ok the window goes away and I can access my programs, it's just annoying because I know something is off. This just started last week.

I get this error - Wireless Configuration Error dll has not been registered and program will not work properly. I downloaded the current version of CCleaner thinking this would help with this registry error. Please let me know if I'm mistaken on how to fix this, I'm not an expert in IT troubleshooting but would appreciate any help. If I click ok the window goes away and I can access my programs, it's just annoying because I know something is off. This just started last week.

Hello dragonfly,

Welcome to the forums. :D

While not really a CCleaner problem , you will still get help here or another forum.

The moderator may switch your post to the Software or Hardware forum.

This is a borderline problem.

Do you have a wireless system ?

Can you cut and paste or copy that error message exactly ? This will help you get a faster answer to your problem ?

Can you tell us more about your system and internet connection?

Good luck,

:) davey

Welcome to Piriform dragonfly.

I get this error - Wireless Configuration Error dll has not been registered and program will not work properly. I downloaded the current version of CCleaner thinking this would help with this registry error. Please let me know if I'm mistaken on how to fix this, I'm not an expert in IT troubleshooting but would appreciate any help. If I click ok the window goes away and I can access my programs, it's just annoying because I know something is off. This just started last week.

As Davey says this isn't really a CC problem.

To register any dll you would normally use Regsvr32.exe. Now if this dll is in your Windows\System32 folder then all you have to do is

Run: Regsvr32 yourfilename.dll.

It will return a message if it has been registered correctly or not.

If its located in another folder then you use

Run: Regsvr32 fullpath\yourfilename.dll ;)

Hello dragonfly,

Welcome to the forums. :D

While not really a CCleaner problem , you will still get help here or another forum.

The moderator may switch your post to the Software or Hardware forum.

This is a borderline problem.

Do you have a wireless system ?

Can you cut and paste or copy that error message exactly ? This will help you get a faster answer to your problem ?

Can you tell us more about your system and internet connection?

Good luck,

:) davey

Hello davey,

Thanks for replying. I do have a wireless system - Linksys. I tried to cut and paste the error but it won't let me. It's a small window with Wireless Configuration in the title bar; message has a red circle with an X through it; it reads; Notification dll has not been registered, program will not work correctly; it has a OK radio button.

I'm running Windows XP Professional; I have cable internet. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks

Welcome to Piriform dragonfly.

As Davey says this isn't really a CC problem.

To register any dll you would normally use Regsvr32.exe. Now if this dll is in your Windows\System32 folder then all you have to do is

Run: Regsvr32 yourfilename.dll.

It will return a message if it has been registered correctly or not.

If its located in another folder then you use

Run: Regsvr32 fullpath\yourfilename.dll ;)

Thanks Keithuk for replying, I'm not to much into the technical part of computers, so I'm not sure what you mean by what folder my dll is in. I'm unsure what file name to type. Any help is appreciated.

Thanks Keithuk for replying, I'm not to much into the technical part of computers, so I'm not sure what you mean by what folder my dll is in. I'm unsure what file name to type. Any help is appreciated.

Well does this error message tell you which dll isn't registered?

Do you know the name of this dll? If you do then search your drive for its location. If its in your Windows\System32 folder then as I said just use

Run: Regsvr32 yourfilename.dll.

If its in another folder Program Files then you need to add the full path location and filename. ;)

e.g. if I wanted to register unicows.dll in the CCleaner folder I would use

Run: Regsvr32 C:\Program~1\CCleaner\unicows.dll. And it would return the message LoadLibrary failed because this dll doesn't need registering. ;)

Hello davey,

Thanks for replying. I do have a wireless system - Linksys. I tried to cut and paste the error but it won't let me. It's a small window with Wireless Configuration in the title bar; message has a red circle with an X through it; it reads; Notification dll has not been registered, program will not work correctly; it has a OK radio button.

I'm running Windows XP Professional; I have cable internet. Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks

Hi dragonfly,

You sound very new to PC usage just like I was awhile ago.

Can you tell us what version of WinXP PRO that you are using ? WinXP SP1, or SP2, or SP3 ?

You can find this listed at the top of CCleaner window.

Click on this link to Microsoft (MS) Updates and be sure that you have all the latest updates installed.


Then come back and let us know.

:) davey

P.S. Also what model Linksys you have and the name of your ISP ?

I have a problem along the lines of dragonfly... When I start or reboot my PC I get a message: error loading nview.dll I tried what you suggested (Run: Resvr32 nview.dll and I get this:

nview.dll was loaded, but the DllRegister Server entry point was not found. This file cannot be registered.

Any suggestions?


Well does this error message tell you which dll isn't registered?

Do you know the name of this dll? If you do then search your drive for its location. If its in your Windows\System32 folder then as I said just use

Run: Regsvr32 yourfilename.dll.

If its in another folder Program Files then you need to add the full path location and filename. ;)

e.g. if I wanted to register unicows.dll in the CCleaner folder I would use

Run: Regsvr32 C:\Program~1\CCleaner\unicows.dll. And it would return the message LoadLibrary failed because this dll doesn't need registering. ;)

Guillermo. Im guessing you have an NVidia video card?

About NView: http://www.nvidia.com/object/feature_nview.html

You can try uninstalling and reinstalling your NVidia drivers+software. Or check your PC manufactuers web site for an updated driver release. Or dl direct from NVidia if your familiar with your hardware/drivers already.

Welcome to Piriform Guillermo.

I have a problem along the lines of dragonfly... When I start or reboot my PC I get a message: error loading nview.dll I tried what you suggested (Run: Resvr32 nview.dll and I get this:

nview.dll was loaded, but the DllRegister Server entry point was not found. This file cannot be registered.

Yes nview.dll is a Nvidia dll I have it in my system and mine doesn't register, not all dll's have to be registered. Just reinstall you graphics drivers or download newer ones.

Nvidia have their own forum. ;)