
I played on telnet://DjLizard.kicks-ass.net :)

I played Legend of the Red Dragon 2, and its hilarious, I was laughing while I played that game. It was exciting, interesting, amusing and very cool! :lol:

Great BBS and great game, glad to see some people still run BBS. :P

Unfornatually sometimes there was lag though. <_<

Thanks, just wanted to let you know. ;)

Was Googling a little, and found something called Legend of the Green Dragon.


From the page "FidoTel Presents Legend of the Green Dragon! This is a browser based role playing game, similar to Legend of the Red Dragon (only much better)!."

Found an interesting Wikipedia page about it.


Sucks that the game isnt free, only a demo is freely avaible.

Would be great if it was free and shipped with Linux distros and could play it sometimes when bored or on shell accounts.

I wonder if there is any similiar game to this.


:lol: you make me laugh...

Editing posts really sucks. And its easier to read 3 shorts posts than 1 big one, uhm I think...

It lags cause I'm always... doing other stuff...; it's my own personal machine at home on the crappiest link in town. Plus, sometimes there's up to 4 other people (including me playing locally) at once ;D

Yeah I've seen LotGD, and it plays clumsily and slowly, and just kind of robs the feel from LORD.

PS: Usurper is LORD x 100, and Darkness is a Cyberpunk LORD [it seems to have even more promise] that I'm going to be recompiling soon, since I've got the source code! ;D ;D

Thanks for the comments and praise.

This is the fourth time I've edited this post.

Never played LotGD just found it on the net, but I also think that it might not be as cool as LORD.

Usurper? LORD x 100? Darkness? Cyberpunk LORD?

Sucks that LORD II, isnt free.. :(

Usurper is 100 times more fun and expansive than LORD is

Darkness plays like LORD but with a Cyberpunk/hacking/gangs/drugs/future theme instead of a fantasy/medieval/dragon theme

Usurper is free?

Darkness is free?

The fantasy medival theme is pretty cool and exciting one.

Cyberpunk/hacking just might get a little bit too geek.

Gangs and drugs are bad! :D

Notify us when you get Usurper running...

I guess you didn't notice that Usurper's been running ever since I put my BBS up.

I'm tired of hearing crap about free this or free that -- not everything has to be free [as in speech OR as in beer].

If it is free or not matters alot, because if it's free then I can download it and have it on my computer. If not, then I'll be forced to connect via telnet to a remote host running it.

I'm tired of hearing crap about free this or free that -- not everything has to be free [as in speech OR as in beer].

come on DJ... dont get angry... maybe Eldmannen do not want to spend his/her money on programs...

come on DJ... dont get angry... maybe Eldmannen do not want to spend his/her money on programs...

Dj's right. I'm tired of it too. Free things are nice but the way Eldmannen rants about it, it's like he has no brain. Wait, Eldmannen doesn't have a brain; we've already proven that.

Dj's right. I'm tired of it too. Free things are nice but the way Eldmannen rants about it, it's like he has no brain. Wait, Eldmannen doesn't have a brain; we've already proven that.

hmmm... i get what you mean...

hmmm... i get what you mean...

Gotta love his new tag though. "Stabbing at Eldmannen daily"

review: Petmate LitterLocker Plus

If you're like me, you find scooping litter droppings into paper bags messy and time-consuming. LitterLocker Plus is a pretty good substitute for those paper bags with the added bonus of locking the odor inside.

Read more . . .

Litter Box Maintenance: A Step-By-Step Illustrated Tutorial

Cat Litters - The Clumping Clay Controversy

More on Litter Box Essentials

Tuesday June 14, 2005 #

Counter-Surfing Cats Conquered

I have to admit, I've never seen so creative a solution to counter-surfing cats, nor read it described quite so poetically.

What in the f... ?

Don't hijack the "I heart Dj's telnet BBS" thread!

review: Petmate LitterLocker Plus

If you're like me, you find scooping litter droppings into paper bags messy and time-consuming. LitterLocker Plus is a pretty good substitute for those paper bags with the added bonus of locking the odor inside.

Read more . . .

Litter Box Maintenance: A Step-By-Step Illustrated Tutorial

Cat Litters - The Clumping Clay Controversy

More on Litter Box Essentials

Tuesday June 14, 2005 #

Counter-Surfing Cats Conquered

I have to admit, I've never seen so creative a solution to counter-surfing cats, nor read it described quite so poetically.
